44. The Nightmares

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I remember the first time I had the nightmares.

The nightmares.

It was a winter day. And winter in the Amazonian is just the same, just more rain and a little colder than usual. But that day, it was particularly rainy and there was an electric storm going on.

The thing was it wasn't. 

There was no storm. Not at that time at least. 

There are different types of images for an attack or death, or whatever we see it. It took me years of having visions for me to fully understand what the visions were, or which ones were a vision and which were just similar-looking nightmares.

Oh, yeah. Those were fun.

The good was my instincts. I always knew by how both Sybilla and I felt when we got those. We always knew, or else we would've given really bad news and fake emergencies to our pack every now and then.

They were awful.

And it was always the same variation of the white specter.

Sometimes it is my mom, sometimes it is women that I don't know. 

They are all dressed in the same white dress, same white cape. And always perfectly white. Like if she was dead white. 

I could always see them perfectly while the rest of my dream was complete chaos and blurry. Always perfect. Like an angel.

My mom always did look good in white. She looked radiant in white.

A beautiful white angel.

Well, an angel that always brought bad news. 

An angel of death.

Just like my mother.

We were now inside my brother's house, they were all still sleeping. I disconnected the alarm for intruders and went to my niece's room.

Malcolm stayed waiting outside the room in the small corridor. As always her beautiful small room was lit with thousands of small fairy lights.

I hear her squeak in her sleep and moving around. 

I touch her front without waking her up, ready to see what was making the commotion on both of our souls. Goddess, it was awful.

She was seeing everything in the past. Everything.

From my grandmother being attacked by her own son and my Alpha mark. From my parents' death. From the multiple attacks, we had had over the years. She was seeing this all in disorder over and over again.

She is three months younger than I was when I had my first vision. 

I was three when I had my first vision. 

It was awful.

And this, it was even more awful because it wasn't me that was getting the visions. It was my baby niece.

My baby niece that couldn't even talk properly. My baby niece that couldn't even properly say my own name.

This was so unfair.

The door opens and I see the face of my mate's pop in.

"Lilith and Morgan woke up. They want to know why we are here and I don't know how to explain it to them without sounding crazy?" He tells me, giving me the confused look of his that always made me melt.

"Okay, I'll be right out. I need to knock out Aliénor before. Or else she'll continue having these nightmares tonight," I tell him. 

He closes the door slowly and I go back to taking care of my baby.

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