25. Sybilla and Grandma Olympe

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Sybilla breathes in, happy to be free, ready for anything. I try to mind-link Idris again with no luck. Being out of the territory does that to one's communication. I sigh, anxiety covering my body. 

A good kind, the one that prepares you for everything in life.

Everybody that wasn't on the mission was or hiding or protecting their homes. Parents in individual domes were armed ready to protect their turf and their children. 

The ones who slept in the packhouse were in their shooting position. Some on the roof, others in specific places.

We had a specialized bunker for the weaker wolves. 

It had a large resting room with a canteen. We were basically ready for nuclear war. Knowing my crazy uncle, I wouldn't be surprised if he got his hands into nuclear power. 

Olympe was near me, ready to pounce if anything went wrong. I, on the other hand, was waiting to be attacked.

Think of the devil and he shall appear. I finally smell an unfamiliar person. I close my eyes and breath in, even more, trying to connect myself with my territory as my grandmother taught me as a child, I knew my territory was mine to protect and it to protect me.

Wolves were part of nature before when werewolves were a thing. 

We have a deeper connection to it than humans.

That is when I feel it.

They were three.

 And they were on my left side, at least 600 meters. Something in the air told me it was dangerous, something that I already knew about.

I take another breath and re-concentrate on those three trespassers. I concentrate on their smell and that is when I understand what we were up against.

They were human. 

And they have brought silver with them. 

I curse my ancestors. 

I send this information to all my packs with a wave of battle anger. 

By the smell of it, they had a handful of silver with them. It was very strong, masking their overall scent. Humans have a scent from where they come, their age, and gender.

It was not an exact science, but it could give some close conclusions. But the silver they had on made it impossible to know. I couldn't even tell where the silver was: I had no idea if they were bullets or a shield. I just knew it was a lot.

"Who are these humans?" I ask my grandmother and she responds by shaking her head on my mind, at lost herself.

They can't be hunters, they are too prepared to be hunters. Unless the hunting community got an updated way of hunting now. 

But they weren't even wearing hunting gear, they looked like James Bond's knockoff assassins.

Nobody that goes hunting wears grenades and, it was hard to pinpoint what it was, but I think I got it. 

They had tear-gas? These are not hunters.

I open my eyes at the sound of a click from then and I duck. A shotgun sound and I feel the bullet pass my head. These were normal bullets, they had no silver on them. 

What the hell? Then where is the silver?

I tell my grandmother to leave but she doesn't she just comes to my side in her wolf form. We were opposites colors, while mine was a black charcoal fur, while she has a beautiful white coat on hers. 

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