52. Visions

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"Angélique, you have to prepare,
You have to be aware;
Be aware of who you care,
Be aware of who you trust,
They will come for your neck..."

I roll my eyes at the white vision.

This was the third time she tried to interrupt my dreams. Something was off, but the white vision was not helping when I had other things to worry about.

"Just tell me who's coming to get me! Because I know that Lee is coming! But you make it seem that someone that I trust is going o hurt me! So just tell me!" The vision and smiles and walks off my vision.

"Yo! Where are you? White lady?" I shout, looking behind me and back to the front. The background was a mix of my room and the forest.

I could see my grey and white walls and my bed with its black silk sheets, a sleeping Malcolm on the left side of the bed. But the whole rest was invaded by the molasses and plants from our forest.

Every time I would walk, the walls would move further back, never able to touch them.

"Be aware, Angélique;
Someone is coming for your neck.
Who do you trust?
Be aware! Be aware!"

I see her hanging around in my bed, petting my mate's hair, looking at him lovingly. I frown at her.

Then in a split second, I am looking at a mirror where I see myself wearing the white dress of my mom. Then my mom appears, wearing the same dress, smiling next to me in the mirror, but she wasn't next tome, only inside the mirror.

What weird type of Harry Potter shit was this? I was now dreaming of the mirror of Erised?

I had no idea what was going in on but it was so nice to see my mom for a few minutes smiling at me. We both contrasted strongly. While I had black long hair and dark skin, she had white skin that I envied when I was little and golden hair that lit up under the sun.

"You were always such a beautiful child, so pesky, yet inquisitive. You made my life so much harder... But so much fuller and happier. I love you so much, you know that, mon amour?" She says, touching the mirror side me, her eyes full of unshed tears.

"Maman-," My voice felt weak, broken. And I knew I was crying my eyes out but my reflection didn't seem to want to follow what I was really doing.

"It's okay, Angéique. I am here. I will always be there for you, you know that, right?" She asks, playing with my hair.

A small laugh comes out of my mouth and I nod at her, the only thing that my reflection followed.

She had brown honey eyes, while I took my father's ocean-green eyes that we all took from our Grandpa Louis. But we did have a similar bone structure, same height, and same big round lips.

"Réveille-toi, chérie. Your pack needs you. You need to call Lilith, Aliénor is getting the vision. Wake up, chérie, you are needed," She says, still smiling like she was telling me how the weather was in there. I frown.

"What? What is happening?"

My mother's voice started getting distorted and the mirror was breaking. I gasp.

"Maman! Maman! Don't leave me, please!" I tell her, trying to put the pieces of the mirror back together, that was resulting in cutting myself in my hands, the figure of my mom was changing, her hair becoming a little shorter and her brown eyes changed into a piercing blue. 

"Wake up, Angélique. Your pack is in danger! Wake up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

I gasp screaming to myself to wake up. I was sweating, my whole body trembling.

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