27. Accepting Him

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"So you're telling me that a human girl is your mate?" Olympe asks, walking from one side of the room to the other, in deep reflection and conversation with her wolf. 

We finally moved upstairs when one of the guards told us that everybody was looking for us.

Lilith was sitting on the couch next to me, legs on the small coffee table, trying to not look like she was enjoying the whole conversation.

After we finally saw who Rosy's mate was, we ran stared at each other, scared to say anything even though we knew that the girl couldn't see us from her mirrored cell.

We now were all of us in my room, trying to understand what was happening.

Olympe, as always, had her composure face on, but by the way, her body was moving, all composure was thrown out the window when we told her Rosy had a human mate.

If this was 15 years before she may have been surprised about it being a woman too, but that ship has sailed when she met my multiple and very colorful... partners? over the years. And let's just say they were a variety of... genres? I want to say genres.

Apparently, she even keeps contact with multiple of my exes too.

"You are telling me that your second mate is a human who had trespassed out territory to try and kill us, is that right?" She asks again, stopping for a moment to look at all three of us. Rosy just looked ready to snap and leave.

I felt her discomfort, this was getting very uncomfortable. 

Even more when Olympe was asking these questions in front of all the group, my mate was sitting in our bed, Julian and Victrice were whispering among them in the corner of my room, Alexa and Joshua were sitting in my loveseat, trying to not look uncomfortable.

Even Lorelai, my human third in command, didn't look like she wanted to be witnessing this whole interrogation, and she went to war.

Truth to be told, nobody feels comfortable when Olympe is in this mood. 

We really don't know what she is thinking, so we just try and hope she tells us what was going on in her mind.

Morgan was the only one that seemed confused from the whole ordeal.

"Gran', I don't get why you are so confused about all of this," He says. Olympe's face snaps at him.

"I am not confused, Morgan. I am just not happy about this. We have yet again another murderer in our lair. It is like this pack's mate is connected to people who want to kill us. No offense, Malcolm," She says dismissively. 

My mate shakes his hand, saying that it was nothing but you could see he was kind of upset about it.

My wolf kicked in, irked that our grandma talked to Malcolm in that way, making me growl to Olympe, warning her. 

I get up and go sit next to Malcolm in the bed, even though I knew he was still mad at me.

"You know what, it is getting late, we need to get ready for tonight's pack dinner. We will talk about this in the morning," I tell everybody, dismissing everybody from the room, making them leave almost immediately, not before my grandma slightly glares at me.

"I'm sorry about that, Mal," I get up from the bed, crossing my arms, not really looking at his eyes.

"Don't bother," He says, passing aside from me, anger rolling off his body.

"She didn't mean to say it like that, babe," I tell him, running by his side. 

He looks at me in the eyes confused then barks out a laugh.

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