15. Doctor confidentially

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That slimy, disgusting, no-good, motherfucker mate. How dare he?

The first time a person doesn't give you what you want, huh, Angie? My wolf snarks in my mind, her laughter getting stronger at each word.

I growl back at my wolf, hating how she uses his nickname of my name. Malcolm doesn't get to use it, neither does Sybilla. Simple!

Admit that you like how rebellious he is, Angie. Let him be our mate! Why are you making this impossible for both of us?

Shut up, wolf. You just shut it. My decision is made. We can't have him, it will just cause even more issues for the future. He is a liability. He is too headstrong for his won good. I don't need a brat on my side!

Oh yeah? Then what do you need? A submissive mate that won't tell you when you are wrong? A mate so scared of us, it will feel that we are forcing them every time we want to do something? You don't want that! We don't want that! We can't have that!

"And why's that!? That seems perfect for me!" I scream back at her, raising my physical voice.

Do you remember the last time you were alone? With no one by your side telling you things were wrong? Because I do! I even still have the scars from those times! She growls furiously, cutting me off. Guilt entered my being like a bulldozer, giving me a massive headache.

I am silent for a few minutes, my heartbreaking at those painful memories. My wolf is right and I hate to admit that sometimes.

"You are never going to forgive me about that are you?" I finally ask her, my voice breaking. She doesn't answer at first, just glaring at me in my mind, while I tried not to let my tears fall.

I have already forgiven you for that. You just seem to forget that you almost killed me and that is why you need someone, you need him. We don't know how to handle us alone, we forget about our well being. And that will kill us.

"What if I just learn how to handle myself alone? What if I go to therapy? I don't necessarily need a mate to learn how to take care of myself, Sybilla. We can't always be reliant on someone our whole lives either!" That shuts her up. 

I wanted to feel like I won the argument, but I just felt pain and loneliness. I never felt like I needed to be in agreement in Sybilla, but now I did. I never felt like I needed to have Sybilla on my side, we never did. We were always at odds with each other from the very beginning we met.
Why was it now any different?

Your arm is hurting... She finally says quietly, looking defeated. Let's just go get it checked. It doesn't normally hurt this much when we break it.

I nod, agreeing silently with her, and finally leave the fucking gym that will probably hunt my most wild dreams from now on.

"Hey, is Dr. Hunt in his office?" I ask Anahí, she was Dr. Hunt's mate for almost a century and also his assistant. They were the cutest couple, her complexion reflecting the native Guarani people. The complete opposite of her white European husband.

"Oh, Alpha," She stands up and bows her head, as a sign of respect. Even after all these years, she doesn't listen when I tell her that bowing wasn't necessary for me. "Yes, he is. I'll open for you, just go in, Alpha."

"Thank you, Anahí. And really you don't need..."

"I don't need to bow, I know. I just do it out of custom, Alpha," She cuts me, grinning, a singular dimple showing. I shake my head and laugh, entering Dr. Hunt's office.

Dr. Hunt is a German medical scholar, that came to South America to study Native animals in the Brazilian Amazonian, back in the 1920s. That is where he met Anahí, a werewolf princess, suppose to be his guide because she was the only one that spoke English fluently in her village.

Her RogueWhere stories live. Discover now