13. Fights

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"Why isn't he here? Didn't he get the memo?" I ask my brother who just looked slightly amused by my impatience. 

"He gets hurt, twice. And I saved him both times. I generously give him a sloth of my charged planning to help him heal and he is late?"

My brother chuckles, even more, amused than before. I just flash him my canines, not in the mood. Dr. Hunt Senior said he needed to be active after surgery, not strenuous. 

I look at the clock hanging on the wall of the gym.

I cleared my schedule for him to have the gym all for himself. 

But, of course, the little shit was going to make me wait.

"Is this how men repay their mates when they save their lives?" I rhetorically ask Morgan, that was still sitting in the middle of the ring, unbothered, scrolling through his phone. 

He rolled his eyes at my question.

"Angel, chill. Nobody said having a mate is simple. And you guys did not have the best of starts. Give him a chance, he is just a few minutes late," He continues with his scrolling, not even glancing in my direction. 

"Remember what Dr. Fall said about getting angry at the wrong things."

I growl, cursing the name of our therapist. 

And not liking how his words seemed to be true. I crackle my knuckles for it seemed like the tenth time in an hour, trying to lose some of the tension I was starting to gather in myself.

"I hate how right you are," I mumble, taking a seat next to him. 

Morgan sighs, finally looking up from his phone.

"I understand how you feel, dude. I mean I would feel unhinged too if I saw Lilith bleeding not once but twice in front of me," He tells, putting his hand on my shoulder, calming both my wolf and me. 

"I just think the unhealthy dynamic you've got going on is making you unhinged. You are working your ass off during all the hours the Goddess gave you and the stalking the door or the window where your mate is," I gasp, ready to deny that allegation. 

"Don't try to deny it, I saw you in your wolf form guarding his window last night," I shut my mouth, frustrated.

"I know it is. But what else am I to do? Drink?" I half-joke, receiving a full-on glare from my little brother. 

"Chill, I am not going to go down that road again. I made enough damage for a few lifetimes. I just... I need to stay occupied or else I will go crazy. He tried to kill himself, Morgan," I can feel the tears threaten to spill out of my eyes, but I swallow them, pushing myself to look at the ground.

"I finally receive a mate and he tries to kill himself, how is that not a sign?" 

"I thought you wanted to reject him?" Morgan snarks, making me growl. 

"Don't get mad at me, you are the one inconsistent in this story," He holds his hand up, in defeat, rolling his eyes with a small smirk on his face, knowing he caught me.

"I know that..." I get up and walk in small circles, trying together my thoughts with a brain that was suffering from lack of sleep. 

"I know that!" I shout, for no apparent reason. 

"I just... I didn't expect him to just go and try to..." My voice gets trapped in my throat, the tears threatening to fall again.

"You know what I think?" Morgan tells me, taking over the conversation, knowing I couldn't continue. 

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