"Ok." Jake took a breath of relief, making me squint in confusion. "Why are you happy?" Colby spoke, reading my mind. "Because." Jake sternly replied.
"Just saying, I'm going to be dating someone in my life." I swiftly moved my body sideways towards the car.
We arrived home to see a sign up on the door. "Hi, were are amazing fans. We see your not home, but we just want to say thank you for inspiring us to explore. Then their instagrams." I said.
"Well, lets check out those instas!" Colby shouted, ripping the paper off the door and bringing it inside. My heart sunk. "Hope they are people that-" Colby turned around . "What?" He asked still having the paper in between his fingers. "Nothing." I shook my head.
I walked up the stairs with Sam and Colby. We ended in Colby's room. They both began looking up the Instagram usernames to see the person. Their fingers skimming around on the screen.
"Find them?" I asked looking at them, while sitting in front of them. "Nope, oh! Found her!" Sam said showing me the profile picture. "Wow. There's your fans." I smiled and nervously chuckled. "Yup. Now let's leave." Colby implied. I was so confused, as they exit out of the site. "Wait. No follow?" I asked them. They shook their heads no.
"It's because we only follow people if we really and truly know them." Colby replied. I nodded and stood up from the bed. "You guys seem sooo bored." I scoffed and hugged them tight. "We are." Sam said, hugging back. "How long will you guys hold me here." I broke the silence while they finally let me go.
"I can breathe now." I laughed and saw both of the guys smile nervously. "C'mon. Do I need to drag you out of the room?" I scoffed again and grabbed their hands. "We're coming." Colby replied by jumping up and wrapping his arm around my neck.
I smiled and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. "Ooo. Let's do a video and do a who knows you better video." I suggested. "Yes! Boyfriend vs girlfriend." I nodded thinking of it as a joke.
"So I'll help you guys set up in here." They nodded and grabbed all the equipment out of Colby's backpack. I set the tripod right in from of the couch. Sam placed the camera on top of the tripod, putting the setting on auto focus.
"We ready?" I asked in a weird low tone, making the vibe awkward. "Yas!" They both yelled. It started filming.
"WHAT'S up guys! Today we are doing a who knows me better game thingy." That comment made me slightly chuckle. "Oh this is..." Sam makes a face of shock. "Sam GOLBACH!" He yelled and acted like it was a party.
"And over here is..." Then I raised my hands. "RAELYNN WEBBER!" I shouted while having jazz hands. "Yes, I'm Jake Webbers wife." Then the guys and I laughed. "Sister. She's his sister." Sam assured so people don't freak out on the internet.
"So it's solby vs rolby or caelynn I don't know." Then my mind opened and started filling my head with questions. Why was he Begining to make ship names?
"Rolby! So it could come close to Solby and Brolby." I explained. He nodded and looked down at the questions. "What's my favourite restaurant?" I thought then sam made a weird screeching noise. "Chipotle." He was so confident. "Nope." Then I remembered. I made a screeching noise. "Tender greens!" I smiled and began to laugh seeing Sam's reaction to the right answer.
"Well that's right!" Colby replied with a light chuckle at the end. We looked into each other's eyes and couldn't look away. "What's next?" Sam asked breaking the amazing eye contact we had. His blue eyes attached to my hazel green ones made me feel happy.
"Last question. Who do I like more?" He asked. I looked over to Sam. "Sa-"
"Rae!" Colby looked at both of us. "Your both right. I love you guys equally." I smiled from his words. He loves us equally. My grin grew."Well thats it guys. Don't forget to check out my take chances March and xplr merch! It's all I the description box. Their channels will also be down there. Peace!." He stood up and walked to the camera and covered it.
"Hey it was fun doing the video with you guys." I implied hugging them both. "Yup. It was." Sam replied. "Hey Rae?" Colby turned around as he stuffed his equipment in his bag. I hummed a yes. "Can I talk to you? Privately?" Sam stood up and walked out of the room. The door was shut quietly closed.
"What's up?" I asked him. "Do you like Sam?" Then I shook my head no, with furrowed eyebrows. "Ok, cause someone told me you did." He worridly hugged me. Then something changed.
My whole body changed. I can't explain the different I'm feeling. Everything felt different. My mind felt different. My personality felt different.
I felt different.

Changed Jake's Sister [Colby Brock]
FanfictionRaelynn is a girl who's brother is Jake. one day Jake meets Raelynn for a surprise, after so many years, and he brings her to his house to meet all the guys and do a video. Then she got close to Colby and by doing that she changed almost completely...