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"It's an edit I think is the best edit in the whole world." I exaggerated but it was super good anyway. Colby slowly pulled his hands away from his ears and looked down at the computer.

I puahed Colby's computer to the side of the desk and replaced it with mine. I clicked play as his eyes followed the movements.

"Oh my gosh. It's so-I'm speechless." Colby smiled leaning forward to see it closer. "And there's more than 300. It's crazy cause I've only been here for a week or two. It's nuts!" I said then the best part came up.

"Ok that was lit." Colby backed up in his chair and pointed at the computer screen. A smile appeared on my lips as his parted slightly open. "That's the best!" He stood up causing me to step back.

"It is so amazing right?" I asked then he looked at me, in the eyes. I was frozen with a smile plastered against my lips.

He came close and picked me up. I laughed as he slightly tickled my neck. "Rae!" I heard a distant yell. Jake. "Gotta go." I smiled as he lowered me down to my feet. I felt the balls of my feet roll as I waved over to Colby. "What!" I shouted as I shut his door.

"Come here!" He shouted again. I scoffed and stomped over to the stairs. I ran down the steps as my hand brushes against the walls. "What's up?" I asked then saw Jake sitting with Katrina and Sam. "Hey!" She waved with her smile bright and sweet. I waved hi back.

"We're playing never have I ever with everyone in this house. "COLBY! COREY! DEVYN! AARON!" Jake shouted in a funny tone. I sat next to him with room to my left side of the couch.

I heard footsteps and stomping down the stairs. The guys were running down the steps that I was concerned, for some reason. "Stop running!" I blurted with my cupped hands over my lips.

They slowed down, hearing slower steps. "Ok!" Corey sassed his way over here, holding Devyns hand. "We're playing never have I ever!" Jake exclaimed. I felt the couch dip beside me. I look over to see Colby swing his head to fix his hair.
(I don't think Jake actually made a never have I ever so just go with the flo.)

Jake reached forward to press play on his camera. "Hello guys!" His voice made me chuckle quietly. "I'm here with Aaron, Sam, Kat, Jake, Rae, Colby, and Corey. This is never have I ever!" He shouted. "We are going to learn stuff about each other that we don't even know!" Colby blurted at the camera.

I nodded with a smile. My smile was small but you would still be able to see it was a smile. "Yea!" I shouted like a man making colby laugh. "Oh this is my sister! I having seen her in 3 years so let's catch up!" He smiled and pointed at me through his hole speech.

Jake was the first to ask. "Never have I ever! Went to new Zealand!" Jake . I saw Colby, Corey, and Sam drop their fingers. I guess it was my turn. I dripp mine and saw everyone's shocked face, by everyone I mean Jake. "When?" He asked. I shrugged, "in the three years you weren't there." I giggled hearing myself say that.

He pouts then points to me. My turn to ask a question. "Never have I ever willingly kissed someone." Everyone dropped there fingers. "Ha!" I pointed to everyone.

"How have you not kissed anyone?" Colby leaned forward to ask. "I've had boyfriends but didn't kiss them. At least willingly." I shrugged still seeing all their mouths dropped.

"Sorry, I can't get guys." Then they all laugh. The loudest was Colby's. His low unforgettable laugh made me glitter up. My cheeks plump as my lips grew upwards into a smile.

"Never have I ever, not kissed someone, willingly." He was targeting! I was mad but still dropped the finger. I dropped two fingers! I'm one of the loosing people.


SAM: 3
KAT : 4
RAE : 3

"Wow! You targeted!" I pointed over to him. Straight in the eye. "Why?" I winned then playfully punched his shoulder, with a pouting face and crossed arms. A few seconds later I laughed to tell everyone it was a joke. Then Colby punched my arm.

"What was that-"

"You punched me." I laughed remembering that moment. Then the game continued. I learned some stuff about Sam, Jake, Kat, and Colby.  But the one thing I knew was that everyone watching the video would think me and Colby are together. We made fun of each other , laughed the most,  etc.

I just want to tell people were not to together. "Before you end this vid. I want to say whoever is watching just note that I'm not with Colby." I waved my hands in front  of the camera.

I say back down to see Colby glance over at me then back at the wall. "Colby? You ok?" I asked. "You arnt my girlfriend." I laughed hearing the response. He began laughing aswell as Jake finished up his outro.

"Nope, not yo girlfriend." I pat his back once Jake ended the full video. "Why were you guys lovey dovey?" Corey asked, leaned forward. "We weren't. Ask that when your lovey dovey with Devyn." I tired back with sassyness so Corey can see the competition.


I will have a few filler chapters and I feel that this is like those fills chapters.

Don't forget to got and comment!)


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