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After a while I heard knock on the door. Once I opened it, still holding my camera, a bunch of people came tramping through. I just backed up to get out of their way.

"Well there's all the people." I laugh to the camera. I turn it quickly around to face me.

"Well we invited like 20 people. Not including ourselves." I smiled to the camera then looked up to see Mason looking around all confused.

"Mason!" I waved for him to get out of the crowd and into the other living room next to the door.

"Hey!" He replied, speeding through people. Then I turned my camera around to show his face.

"This is Mason-" he then squated and held up peace signs to seem funny.

"And I met him while meeting Tori, Aaron's girlfriend." I explained. He smiled up at me. Then looked around back behind him.

"Was it cool if I brought one friend? His name is Tyler." I nodded then turned off the camera.

"Hi, I'm Rae." I spoke up then shaking his hand. Tyler had brown short hair, kinda tan skin, pretty skinny, and brown eyes. I looked into Mason' s green eyes and up at his brown hair.

"You guys kind of look alike, except eyes." I spoke up. They both nodded.

"Yea, we get that a lot." Tyler said. He took a step closer to me then asked, "What's the camera for?"

"Oh it's for a vlog I'm doing on my YouTube channel." I replied, scruntching up my shoulders and holding my hands together, smiling greatly at them.

"Yea, all in all its great. So the main living room is in there." I pointed over to the room next to the kitchen.

"And the bedrooms are upstairs. Right now I'm sharing with my brother." I pointed up.

"Who's your brother?" Tyler asked.

"Oh he's Jake. Jake Webber. He should be around somewhere. But we need to get outside." I signaled them to follow me as we dashed through the crowd.

"Outside!" I shouted, then everyone followed. I waited for everyone to go through the glass doors to shut them.

"So guys." Colby spoke up, getting up on the counter top of the bar outside.

"We need to be quiet. When Sam and Kat pass those sliding doors then we pop out and say suprize. Deal?" He snickered about it.

"Yea." Everyone whispered. Then I heard a car pull up to the front lobby.
"He's here." I whispered lousy, cupping my hands while speaking. Everyone dispersed into different spots outside.

I then heard the front doors open. I was hiding right next to the sliding glass doors. I could here their quiet footsteps wonder around on the floor.

"Aw they set up a party for you." Kat said. My smile grew thinking of how happy he is right now.

"Yea but where are they?" He replied and the footsteps began to get closser. Alot of people were behind me.

"Hello?" Sam called out. Then he slid the doors open very very carefully. I could see him slowly step out then it was our cue. We jump.

"SUPRIZE!!!" We all shouted but then I got pushed into Sam, accidentally nocking him over.

Everything fell in slow motion. Literally.

"Sam." I said looking into his eyes. I then realized on was on top of him. I quickly got up and brushed off the dirt on my hands.

"I'm so sorry, Sam." He nodded.

"Your ok-kay." He stuttered. It's been awhile since he stuttered.

"Well. 3. 2. 1!" Someone shouted.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone screemed. I laughed afterwards because I completely lost my voice on that one.

I smiled the brushed my shoulders off, for some reason.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, Colby.

"Hey! I'm so excited for this." I said jumping up and down. His smile was giant. Dimples, the cuttest ones, and his perfect teeth, the best.

"Me too. Who pushed you?" He asked. He got a reply of shrugged shoulders.

"I don't know but it was awkward." I the scratched my arm, something I do when I feel cringed out or embarrassed.

"Well yea, it was cringy to watch my girlfriend on top of my best friend." He made it sound hilarious so we both just laughed our lungs out.

"Well I love you. Just remember that." I snapped that phrase into his mind. He has always known about how much he loved me and same for me.

"I love you too." He replied, stealing me from the side. We hid behind the wall next to little gate on the side of the house.

He leaned in and so did I. We quickly kissed each other then pulled apart.

"I don't want anyone else to know about us." He said. I nodded with understandment.

I pulled my hands down from his neck and held his hand.

"We are together, nothing will change that." I assured him, he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while so I'm trying to help him out.

"Okay, thanks Rae. For being there for me. Love you." We could say that word over and over again but it still wouldn't express how much we actually love each other.

"Love you too." I said, then we decided to walk in with everyone else.  I slid the glass doors open, a couple of people were still outside.

We walked in but then dispersed because of the small crowd. I walked over to the kitchen to get some water and food.

Once I reached there I automatically went striaght for the cake. I cut myself a slice of chocolate cake and a fork. I could see that Sam blew out the candles, it's nice. I wasn't the only one who dove for the cake, same with Tyler and Mason.


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