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"Jake?" I asked, walking through the doors. "Yea?" He replied. He shut the door behind him as I sat down, feeling the cold concrete make contact with my skin.

"Why do this? For me?" I mumbled out while staring up into the sky. "Because. I pushed myself away from my family for three years. I will never do that again. I did this to make up the time I wasn't with you, and for you to have better and great friends." He truefuly replied. I scrunched my legs up to my chest feeling a little bit cold but it was just in the moment.

"I like this. Seeing you again, meeting everyone, especially Colby." We both chuckled, then I looked down into my lap. After a few seconds I look over to Jake seeing his mouth parted open ready to speak.

"Do you like Colby?" He asked. I looked up to the sky thinking about the Colby I knew that lived in this house. I couldn't think straight my mind hitting me with new information was just too much.

"Rae?" Jake slowly dragged. He patted the space in between us, indicating do do to scoot over, and I did. I rested my head on my brothers shoulder thinking about something.

Why do they think I am in mad love with Colby? He is my best friend. I even prefer to hang out with him then my friend back home.

But Colby is special. He is different from the rest of the crowd. He is my favorite friend of ever recieved received an I'm thankful.


I just don't understand why they ask me these tough questions. Are they supposed to be tough to answer?


But again, if they are that way they still shouldn't ask me. I'll figure it out along the way.

"Rae!?" Jake sprouted me out of my thoughts. I lifted my head in shock of somehow getting scared from that yell.

"Sorry. I was thinking." I replied looking over to the pool. Oh that pool, where I did the cool tricks off of that platform. Yelling to everyone saying that this is for you and did a cool trick.

I smiled to that thought, to the past. Hoping that I would stay here. Be with my brother and family, my friends here are family. I love them with all my heart.

My smile grew as I thought of the great guys that surrounded me. They all are funny and are loving.

"I love them all. They are amazing friends." Then I cocked my head around to Jake to whisper into his ear.
"Sam and Colby are my favorite." I laughed then leaned back in. "Dont tell people that." I chuckled while leaving his ear alone.

He began chuckling to my compliment. "Yes I can tell." He replied. I smiled, which seems to become a smirk.

I felt heat rise to my head. I could see myself blushing at the moment. But I believe that Jake can't see cause of how dark it is outside. The only lit thing out here is the moon and the shimmering stars that dance across the sky.

"Jake?" I asked while staring up into the sky again. "Yea? What's up?" He replied. In the corner of my eye I Dr him looking up high and to the sky. I moved my body 90 degrees to look at the moon this way.

"I'm tired." I chuckled hearing Jake synchronize with me. Then I hear shuffling from the glass doors, automatically making me boot my head towards the house.

"Hey!" Colby spoke with a short wave. I smiled seeing him walk closer. He sat next to me, making me turn my back to the house.

I sighed then leaned against Colby for support. My legs rested so I let them go striaght out in front of me. I smiled while shutting my eyes.

I thought about every moment I spent with this great guy of mine. I giggled quietly in my mind from that thought.

Then I felt my body loosen and no longer tense. I let everything go to fall asleep.


I heard birds chirp so I opened my eyes. The sun burned and stung them so I squinted my eyes. I loved this. I love sleeping outside.

I then see Colby's sweatpants/legs in front of me. I lift my body up and realized I was sleeping on his stomach. I was in aw and shock.

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