Chapter 1.1 - "Event"

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A cloudy day in a University on Earth.


"CRAP!!!, Not again", I exclaimed as I stare on my test paper on disbelief.

"Why, what's the matter? ", my classmate and friend asked.

Thus I gave him my test paper.

"Man, what are you doing with your life? at this rate you're going to fail engineering whether you like it or not", my classmate added, obviously dissapointed.

"Tsk, this is the third time I got a low score at Calculus, I might say goodbye at my course for good", I replied.

"Man, you need to study, and study hard that is."

"I know man, I don't want to have a summer class, my time will be wasted instead of grinding exp."

"Here we go again with your video games, you have to remember that you're in college now."

"Yes, yes, I know"

After I got my dissapointing results on the test. The next professor quickly entered the classroom.

"Alright class, settle down", she exclaimed in a very, very lazy way.

This particular professor is probably the most dreaded at the whole campus. Not only is she is very stingy on giving grades, she is always, as in always not in the mood to teach, but not in the case when she is giving tests with contents we didn't learn.

Thus everyone in this class is either not listening or already have fallen asleep and the professor really didn't care. So I can play my games on my smartphone for all I care.

But midway trough the lifeless class, something happened.

Something that would change my life, forever.

The old building we are in began to sway, lights began to flicker, objects are shaking wildly, multiple glass panels are being shattered, sending hundreds of glass shrapnels towards us.

Yes, it is an earthquake, a violent one that is, one that I never experienced before.

The tension around us was heavy, people screaming desperately , sounds of objects falling. As if the seconds becomes minutes, and minutes become hours, everything is in slow motion as my brain tries to handle the situation.

Then the worst became much worst. The aged building where we are, wouldn't hold it much longer. Large chunks of concrete began to crack and beginning to gave way.

Then after a very long minute or so, everyone is already panicking, trying to get out on the open field. A response of what a normal person would especially inside a derelict building.

But in the midst of panic, the building finally gave way. Right in front of my eyes, people are getting crushed. My classmates and friends are being crushed by the falling concrete.

Then I, myself was hit.

Then I quickly blackout.





I then woke up.

As I wake up, I try to remember what happened.

My head is spinning.

Then I quickly remembered what happened and got up to grasp the situation.

And thought for a second on how am I still alive after the ordeal, or am I?

I began to observe where am I and all I can see is I am in a room made of bricks. And small rays of the sun illuminates the dark moldy room.

I asked myself "Am I already dead? Is this the end of my pathetic life full of mistakes and agony?".

I quickly got up myself and look at my watch if the time is moving, luckily it survived. Everything seems to be normal, as I pinched myself to double check.

I then rush out towards the small window boarded up with wooden planks.

And then I see the unimaginable.

I am inside on what seems to be a desolate castle. As I can see massive walls and towers that looks like from the medieval era.

"Maybe I'm really dead afterall?".

I reached out to the door of the room. It is made of wood and is moldy, you can easily tell the door is aged. I then exited at the hallway and I walk forward cautiously, I noticed the rays of the sun illuminates not only the room where I was at but the whole castle asit seems, and it's through the holes in the roof, signs that this castle have it golden days.

"Wow!, what a sight to see", I excitedly exclaimed. Even though I am full of questions.

I am in the top floor of the ruined castle, and as I try to find the staircase, I stumbled upon a fairly big room.

And it appears to be an Armory.

Swords. Armors. And what seems to be Magic Staffs.

I then entered the room and rush in to find a knife laying around. Then out of nothing I cut a little part of my arm.

"Ouch!, it seems I am still alive, no doubt". As I see the blood drips from my self inflicted wound. I then examined the big room, being a geek this thing excites me and it surely baffles. I stumbled upon books that I cannot read. Magic staff that have crystal balls on top, real swords, that you can only see at medieval movies. And shining armor, made of the finest metal.

It is like I am in an abandoned fantasy movie set.

And at the center of the room is a weird looking stone table. A rectangular tablet lies at the top of it with unreadable letters.

Out of curiosity and with the weird feeling that I have to know this object, I tried to touch it and feel the grasp of the mysterious object.

Then it began to shimmer, a green light illuminates from the tablet and the tablet begun to form scribbled letters, but still unreadable.

Then it hit me, where exactly I am?, the letters look unfamiliar, the map of the world on the wall is strange. Everything is strange, very strange.

The last thing I remember was I am in a middle of a collapsing building. But here I am, in the middle of nowhere.

Then I begun to ask myself, "Am I on Earth?, Is this a another world? Did I die and was transferred to this world?".

It sounds silly, but the large amount of Isekai manga I read would tell me otherwise.

Right now my head is full of questions. Things are happening way too fast. I am making more questions in my head faster than answering them.

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