Chapter 5.2 - Outlaws

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As I took the shot, we quickly ran away from convoy. We are located in the center of the town. We have to get out of here fast.

I know that the guards will not sit idly with what happened. And as soon as we are almost out f town they gave chase.

As Liana is driving the wagon, the power of the two horses can be felt as we outrun the guards. They are trying to either board us or stop us in our tracks. So I don't give them the chance to do so.

With a complete weaponry from Long to short range guns, I wouldn't let them get close.

I plan to use the Winchester 94 as they get to 50 meter plus range. The CZ Coach Hammer shotgun as they get uncomfortably close. And the Colt Revolver as the last resort.

We are being chased by almost six cavalry men.

Me being untrained to shoot from a moving vehicle, has difficulties in trying to take them down.

I wasted all 8 rounds to down 2 cavalrymen. This is despite them being a larger target as they are packed together closely. Liana skills in driving a wagon can be seen as she manuevers our wagon in the busy streets. Clearing other wagons and pedestrians. This could be a result of joining her father everytime they get good from other towns and cities.

The remaining four cavalrymen managed to get in to an uncomfortable distance. They already unsheathed their swords.
Thats why I turned to my shotgun.

The 2 rounds downed another guy. Reload another set of 12 gauges and fired. They completely surround the back of the wagon. I was only able to take down 2 guys.

The other 2 managed to grab on our speeding wagon. I turned then to my Revolvers. And almost point blank range it's impossible for me to miss. And when I got rid of the pursuers. It seems everything is alright now.

But I was dead wrong. Now a dozen cavalry men is pursuing us this time. And as we reach the towns gate, the pursuers alert the watchtower the guys to close the gates.

Unable to close the gates fast enough we we're able to break through. And as we cross the bridge connecting the town and the Great Elven Forest, I was able to take a look at the magnificient Great Elven River. Then I remember I have molotovs in the wagon, I lit 4 bottles then throw them simultaneously.

Effectively blocking the bridge with a moderate huge fire. That halted both civilian traffic and our pursuers.

We took a side road, ths smugglers told me, it was a shortcut from this Kingdom to the bordering Confederation.

We are effectively outlaws of the Kingdom of Willchem. And going to the Confederacy of Gloriana will be the best course of action as this states have been in engaged in skirmishes to usurp one another. It even almost pointed out to an all out war between the two.

The continent or island we are in contains 4 Countries. There are the Kingdom of Willchem occupying a third of the continent the whole eastern side, another third is occupied by the Confederacy to the west, in the middle are the Great Elven Kingdom, which shrunk in size in the succeeding years. And Kingdom of Baldose to the south they occupy other islands near this main continent or Island.

We set up camp in the Great Elven Forest, and we are close to the border. The smugglers told me to go through north territory of the Great Elven Kingdom and proceed to the nearest town to update my papers. Then proceed to the Confederacy. The borders here are porous so it would be easy even for wanted persons to slip through.

Meanwhile as we prepare our dinner, I have a heartful talk with Liana. We decided that we will go on adventuring as explorers and as partners. We would get married in the right time.

And that night I reminisce my life on Earth compared to my life here. Here I have a pretty comfortable life, except for the life threatening situation we are in. I got myself a girl, treasure amounting to a dozen lifetime worth of salaries a slave would earn.

I might retire once we set up things, like our house in the Confederacy, and live a peaceful normal life.

But it seems this world have better plans stored for me.

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