Chapter 19.1 - My Slaves Part 2

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I ended up buying Irina, in my perspective she deserves a better life rather than being a worker or even worse a sex slave. Of course a better life with her new master, me, isn't really for me to decide. I bought her at 90k silver with a little bargaining with the traders because of her bruises. Then a magical ritual began. The ritual ensures that the slave cannot escape her master and disobey his command. And the seal from her neck will cause tremendous pain, that leaves some slaves dead. And there goes my money that I am supposed to use for my wagon, I will surely be fed by anger by those two.

And as we walk the alleways with the sun bearing down upon, I heard a growl from her stomach. They don't really take care of their goods.

Hence, I decided we take our lunch together. We took our meal in a nearby inn, I ordered my self a simple meal. And I was surprised that Irina sat down the dirty floor. And the other guest is whispering why there is a slave inside the dining hall. I was then asked to let Irina stay outside lf course unhappy with this treatment she received I protested at the owner. But then it turns into an argument hence we leave the inn.

"Sorry, Irina I forgot to buy you some clothes, can you wait for a bit til I buy your new clothes to replace your tattered clothes." I told Ilina with slight dissapointment.

"Master, it is alright, I don't desereve such treatment and kindness, scrap food is alright for me." she humbly replied.

My heart literally breaks in half.

This woman have a class of a lady but still looks at herself as pice of trash.

"I then hugged her, you are not just my slave Ilina", I told her loud and clear.

I then dragged her to the nearest cloth shop. And then let out my sack of 1k silver coins and told the shop owner to dress my slave fitting the cost.

The shop owner is surprised to see a master spending this much for a slave. Even Irina is surprised and begging me to not give her such treatment.

After that she is properly dress I put out my handkerchief and began to wipe her face and arms of dirt.

"Master, Thank you for everything I don't deserve such treatment." she told me as I wipe her face.

We then proceed to have lunch in a another inn, with the guest not noticing Irina that she is a slave. She looks more beautiful if properly dress up and probably a washed. I then began to ask her about her story.

It seems that she is from a wealthy merchant family, a family not very accepted by society. His father was a very wealthy merchant meanwhile her mother is a demi-human. She was protected by her father. And was raised as a pampered girl alongside with her bestfriend. Her father took in other demi-humans to his house as helpers and treat them not just slaves.

But when his parents failed to return, wherein they were murdered by the bandits while on their travel to the next town. Her whole life crumbles, as her father's former workers and slaves turned against her and she was sold off to a slave trader along with her bestfriend, nonetheless Isabel. Ever since they spent the last 3 years in a cage waiting for someone to buy them and to be used. The slave trader workers drilled them the idea they can't go against their master as it would mean their very own life.

Hearing this, I couldn't really stand everything, I checked her in on the inn and told her to stay only at the room and wait for me, and gave her a knife to defend herself.

I hurriedly return to the inn where we are staying and sneak in back to our room to grab my another bag, where my money is,  I was nearly spotted by Serefina who just happen to also return back home.

I then hurriedly marched towards the slave trader to buy off Isabel. He is surprised at me as I will buy another slave, in which I only bought an hour ago.

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