Chapter 3.2 - Onward to the town!

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"Uhm, old chap?", I asked the old fellow.

He responded, "Ah, yes, well you see, every cart here have different owners, so it's every man for himself".

I replied, "That's too cruel!".

He replied, "Sorry young one, but this how the world works, I pity the gal, her father is the only family she's left, Her mother and sibling died years ago."

I quickly replied, "But can't we do anything ?".

He replied, "Young one, I'm sorry, I'm too old to try to help her and my sons are busy fixing our cart, but I will guide on you what to do".

I replied, "Certainly that would be great!".

We approached her, and I consoled her for what happened.

I follow the old fellows instructions on fixing the cart, the wheels are almost destroyed.

When we finish fixing up, I tried to further enhance the cart by using my skills, making it even better than before.

In the night we have a burial ceremony, and a simple dinner.

Then Liana approached me, still have little tears to her eyes and spoke to me, "I am really grateful for your help young hero, without you I might lose all the cart and return empty handed, I will do anything to return the favor."

I replied, "Oh it's nothing, I can't really leave a beautiful lady such as you behind, and losing you father is already a heavy burden to you".

She blushed and wiped her remaining tears and replied, "Oh please young sir, save me from the flattery".

I replied, "But it is true, so as payment for my deeds, can I accompany you while on the way to the town?".

She answered, "Young hero, are you serious?, it would be too much for you".

I confidently replied, "Leaving a lady alone travelling the expanse forest isn't in my dictionary, and spending time with a beautiful lady isn't really too much for me.

She answered, "As you say so young hero, can I know your name?"

I replied, "Of course Liana, my name is Karl, Karl Lane. And I am an explorer."

Liana replied, "I see Mr. Karl, my name is Liana Earnidth, I am daughter of a merchant."

I replied,"Please drop the "Mr", and shall we go to sleep?, we have a long day tommorow".

Liana replied, "Alright Karl, Good Night!".

After that we fix our bed and go to sleep. And I can't believe I am that edgy, capable on hitting a with a girl, a feat I didn't even try to do back on Earth.

The following day, we got up early to make up the lost time.

I was onboard Liana's Cart, with her at the helm, because I have no experience in driving a cart.

We spent two days to finally reach the town.

The town named "FLUIBERG".

We unload some of Liana's good at the market, and almost all of it to her aunt Rosia.

Aunt Rosia: "Hmm, Liana, is that your fianceé?"

Liana: "No auntie, he's just an explorer who help us from a bandit attack, where father died."

Aunt Liana:"Oh my gosh, your father died?"

I told Liana that I will excuse myself for a while then took off to window shop for a moment while they are chatting.

And it seems the goods sold here is what you will expect on a medieval town.

While wandering I stumbled upon the old fellow from before,

Old fellow:"Thank goodness I found you!, here's you part!. (handing me a sack of gold coins). See you around Karl".

Then he took off.

Then I returned to Liana.

Liana:"Karl thank you for everything. I guess this is where we will part ways."

I replied, "Liana, I finally decided, I know you might be shock, but I think I like you".

(I can't really part ways with her, well this is a another world afterall so goodbye my insecurities!)

She fell onto silence.

I then followed it up, "Hence, from this day onward, I will try to make you my woman!.

Liana nonchantly replied, "Well it will be an honor my young hero, so try your best to make me fall to you!". Then she laughs

I replied, "Of course, I'll do anything within my power."

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