Chapter 13.2 - Goblin Attack Part 2

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The bright full moon illuminating the open fields outside the village gave us perfect view of the goblins attacking from the treelines. It seems luck is on our side at least for now. Serefina continuously unloads .303 British rounds at the attacking goblins. This prompt the villagers morale to increase a bit. Seeing three of us are capable of doing long range attacks.

Then the village mage cast an explosion spell, decimating half of the first wave. He got the firepower needed but his long chanting time is a very disadvantage. Serefina can't keep up on the massive wave approaching thus the goblins continue their march. The village archers and limites men with crossbow start to fire flaming arrows. Some hit on the first barrage. But it's just wasting precious arrows thus they stop. Then it is our turn.

I slowly feel the build of the rifle and then starts to peek to its iron sights.


My first round misses, as the target is around a hundred meters or so. Liana markmanship is also put to the test, as her first shot barely hits the goblins.

I pull the bolt and loads another round. This time it hits the chest of the goblin that quickly stopped him. We continue our barrage. The villagers are cheering for us as we decimate the remaining waves of goblins. The smooth action of the SMLE No.4 provides more bullets to be sent flying to the goblins.

This rifle serves the British during World War Two, its .303 round is slightly similar to the standard 7.62*51mm NATO, standard bullets by modern armies for their machine guns and battle or sniper rifles. It surely packs the punch. Sometimes the bullet would pierce another goblin after penetrating the first one. Although its a 'monolithic' round it performs well against a lead bullet. And it is often used for hunting because of its accuracy and damage dealt to the receiver. It is very perfect in dealing with goblins, although I have to constantly repair the barrels of our guns as they tend to damage the barrels than lead.

We can really decimate goblin waves using this type of bullet. But using bolt-action rifles have their own set of limitations. As the long time between shots fired it translated to the enemy to travel much further, although the much smoother bolt operation of the SMLE somehow helps. Thats why me and Liana have secomdary weapons, an SMG and a shotgun. Bolt-action is not really reliable at very short range of contacts. Our secondary weapons can only effectively kill the goblins at very short ranges.

Thus we are using the opportunity to gun down the enemies at much long distances. But with the limitations a very few was able to reach the effective range for the village archers to kill them.

The first wave was very successful, we have killed almost 50 plus goblins, both small and medium sized. But the villagers told me that this was only the scouts, the real deal is yet to come.

We were blessed to have a little break as the goblins didn't pursue another attack as opposed to what happened the last days. I was told that the first wave was the one responsible last night wherein they slightly damaged the makeshift wall, leading it to fall when the subsequent waves attacked.

Then the bright moon was covered by the dark clouds, and with only torches to illuminate our sorroundings we have difficulties to detect the goblins sooner. One guy at the watchtower quickly alerted us all that a massive wave of goblins already exited the treeline and now marching at the plains. They are now around less than 300 meters from the makeshift wall. Serefina's rifle quickly erupts as she engaged the first goblin that she can see from the optics I gave her. It's a little lousy but it gets the job done. We then also began to fire. Round after round we decimated lines of goblins.

Three muzzle fire from the village is keeping the goblims at bay. But we can't keep up with the massive wave. Soon the village archers join the fray. And as soon the first goblin reaches the makeshift wooden wall he was quickly slashed by a villager by a lance.

As we prepare to brace the oncoming wave we were then alerted by the same guys at watchtower another wave is quickly following up in the rear.

This night, will be a very long night.

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