Chapter 2.2 - First Blood

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I head out following the dowstream of the river. Because of I'm goind to find a human settlement it would be near or along the river.

And evidences that I am in a another world are all around me as I travel downstream.

Different kind of plants, trees and different kind of beautiful flowers I have never seen.

Different insects and birds above me.

I tried to avoid some of the dangerous ones like wolves and even a tiger like creature by using my Body Enhancement skill.

There are even times small dragons or Dragonewts in RPGs, flying above looking for prey.

Then I realized while sightseeing, I was walking for hours with no sign of humans. And the fact that I have Cowboy weapons, might as well get a correct attire once I arrived in a village or town.

I set up camp for the night. And spend another half a day walking.

Some other part of the forest near the river.

An burning arrow hit the leading wagon.

"Ambush!, its an AMBUSH!!!!", Merchant 1.

"Tsk, they are bandits!, prepare to defend", Merchant 2.

"Lia!, Go hide inside the goods!, Quick!", Merchant 3.

"Ready for battle!", Lead Guard.





The fight rages on between the two opposing sides.



"Aaaarrrrgghhh!, Am I the only human in this world?!", I scream in agony.

"You!, yes, you rock!, are there any humans in these parts?, huh?".

You can call me hopeless, but its been almost a week since I got here. With no one to talk to but my hunted rabbits. Or trees and rocks.

But then.

I can hear a commotion further down the forest, east of my location.

I can hear swords clashing, sounds of men in agony, and even sounds of dying men.

"I might have encountered a big trouble." I said to myself.

I quietly close in where is the commotion is. And around 100 meters away. I can view the battle as it unfolds from a top of the hill.

I can see, what seems to be merchantmen and some guards fending off bandits.

The merchants are being overpowered. And it seems there's almost a dozen bandits attacking the caravan. With only 6 guards, and the merchants themselves to fend them off, they are in a big disadvantage.

I wasn't able to move because of fear. Roght in front of my eyes, people are killing each other, and people being brutally killed.

I stand there staring as the destruction unfolds. No one can escape the bandits pincer attack.

The merchants and the guards are being stabbed and slashed.

My conscience is pushing me to help them. With my weapons I am sure I can defeat them. I tried to use appraisal on the bandits. And it seems I'm a higher level but only a level or two.

But, of course I am still frightened. I close in the distance.

And the final thing that make me throw my hesitations away was when they already overrun the defenses of the merchants.

And almost half of the caravan are already captured. Then, surprisingly, one of the bandits dragged out a woman from inside one of the wagon.

The bandits are laughing in excitement teasing each other. As the merchant cry for their actions.

I already knew what will happen to the girl omif I will not help them right here and right now. So from 30 meters away I took aim using my Winchester 94.

My eyes fixed between the iron sights, as I aim one of the highest leveled bandits, and he is an archer. I activated my Eagle Eye skill to zoom in for accuracy.

My finger on the trigger.

My other hand gripping the rifle firmly.

I took a deep breath.

Then pulled the trigger.


From the other end of the rifle, the bandit archer fell to the ground. Blood oozing from his head.

I once again took a deep breath.

And realizing that I already killed a man, with my very own hands. But instead of procrastinating, I imagined the situation as a Battle Royale game, its kill or be killed.

As the bandits stands frozen in shock. I pulled the lever and load another round and aim at a another target.


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