Chapter 3.1 - Heroine?

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The second shot echoed through the forest. Downing another guy with a hit on the head. Pulled the lever and take aim once again on the bewildered bandits.


Miss. My hands is shaking.

I am now realizing my lack of experience shooting guns and the mere fact that I already killed two guys.

The bandits now realizing where the attack is coming, they are now charging to my direction.

Now charging to me at uniform line, shooting them becomes much more easier.

I took aim, and


The fourth shot hit a guy in the chest.

Pulled the lever took aim. I repeatedly did this until my rifle ran out of bullets.

I fired 8 shots and downed 6 guys already.

Now the remaining bandits are too close to be dealt with a rifle and reloading the rifle at this range would be problematic.

The nearest bandit is only 10 meters away. My heart pumping faster than normal. And drew my Colt Revolver. And shot the guy running towards me swinging a sword.

I got 5 rounds on my Revolver for 5 bandits.

I should make my every bullet counts.

To do that I will close in the range. I used my body enhancement skill.

Shot two guys in the process while expending three bullets.

Now I'm down to one.

Being more agile than before I was able to get behind the bandit. Aim the gun at his head and shot him at point blank range.

Now I effectively used up all my loaded bullets.

Using my skill I draw my tactical knife, which I designed myself, and go in for the kill.

Sprinting in front of the muscular bandit now shouting in desperation. I stab him in the stomach then pull out then stab him at the neck.

I let myself to lay down on my knees to let myself calm down. I am breathing heavily.

I just killed a dozen men.

Playing FPS games and RPGs doesn't really help you deal with the psychological toll in my mind.

And it seems my stake out at the castle to make myself weapons back from Earth paid off.

After long minutes of staring off at the distant sky. I finally ot a hold of myself. I pick my bag of bullets from my bag and then reloaded my rifle and revolver.

Then I approached the caravan which is in complete disarray. The men are trying to fix their wagons, some are attending to the wounded, while some already fixing up the dead.

Then I noticed the woman I tried to saved from the bandits. Getting closer reveals that she is a blonde lady probably younger than me. Her physical stature is probably what is normal in this world, fit, unlike me. Her face resembles European, her hair is blonde and wavy. Above average bust and she is really beautiful. Way up to my strike zone.

And she is grieving at a dead guy.

As she shouts, "Father!, wake up!, *sobs*, we still have to deliver the goods to Aunt Rosia!".

Her heavy grieving really affected me.

Then an old fellow approached me.

Old fellow: "Young one!, thank you for saving us from those tyrants!. We would be finished without your help, and you're magical tools are a wonder!".

And I said, "No worries old chap, I am a wandering explorer, and I will definitely save anyone in need!".

The old fellow responded, "We are truly grateful for your help, we wish there are many explorers that is as kind of you, as reward we would give you a quarter of the revenues from the caravan and a ride to our town two days from here and the only nearest one".

I responded. "That is too much,you are too generous, I would only take your other offer, which is a ride to your town".

The old fellow replied, "This is only a proper action as within this lands law, so young hero, take the offer or we will be in trouble the adveturers with us would definitely report us to the authorities".

I responded,"It seems I have no choice, but can I asked why is no one helping the lady over there?".

The old fellow does not respond.

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