Chapter 13.1 - Goblin Attack Part 1

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I was being slowly dragged by Kyle to where Nataly is. She have just performed the last heal on the villagers before the battle. And now she's preparing medicinal stuff, and was being assisted by Liana and Serefina, with rifles dangling in their backs.

"Miss Nataly, let me introduce you to our young and handsome adventurer who answered our plead", Kyle introduced me in a very awkward manner.

"I am no adventurer, I am Karl Lane an Explorer." I said to Nataly as she undone the head part of her white robe. Revealing her long silvery with touch of green hair, a fair skin and body, a beautiful face, and a pair of glasses to top it all off.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I am the village healer Nataly von Iverssen thank you for answering our request, although few in numbers, any help will do". She straightforwardly replied.

"And dad, nice try, I am still planning to join the convent, to serve the people. So you would not see your only daughter married off to someone." Nataly added.

"But honey, you're mistaken. Besides you are now in perfect age" Kyle replied.

Then the two begun to argue. I was shocked that they are blood related, so then I slip off to see Liana and Serefina wherein I invited them to join me in preparing our stuff.

We assembled to our wagon and began to lay out our weapons. Serefina was getting her SMLE No.4 with an adjustable scope and my own made bipod, she is our designated marksman and I stationed her up the stone house dividing the frontlines into two. We were assigned to defend the much weaker left flank. Her position enables her to also support the right flank when needed.

I then unveiled the work in progress bayonets that me and Liana would be using. The Winchester pump action shotgun would be her secondary arm. Meanwhile I'll be using my barely finished Thompson SMG. The blowback and blish lock gun will provide us heavy firepower at close ranges. This gun might be associated with the mafias but it proves itself during World War Two, I just hope my copy would work just as what it did.

We are also have our own Colt M1911 as our last line of hope. I also pulled out sone of my contact grenades. The we pack our ammunition to our magic bags and prepare ourselves to the coming waves of goblin attack.

We then proceed to our designated positions the villagers hammered in the last nail to the makeshift wooden wall. Their lances already pointing outside. Archers already in position, and the small amount of villagers with crossbows join us in the rear. And as the sun begins to sunset. We are all anxious, anxious that the beautiful sunset will be the last we will ever saw. I can feel the tension that this battle will be a battle between life or death. This battle will be bloody as to what I witnessed already. And there is no turning back now. I activated my skills.

I am terribly shaking, I am actually afraid to lose this one. I am feeling more different than before the previous engagements. The bandits and the slave traders fail to comparison how my gut instinct is reacting. I am questioning myself, why?. Is it the fact that we will be confronting literally hordes of monsters or goblins perhaps that is ought to kill us without mercy.

My daydreaming under the bright full moon was suddenly interrupted.

A loud BANG, echoed from the top of the stone building.

It is the sound of a mana crystal exploding.

It is the sound of the first shot.

Serefina shouted," GOBLINS IN THE TREELINE!". As she pulls the bolt of her rifle.

The whole village began to be much more wary.

Then the first sight of the goblins break trough the treeline, another loud BANG!. And from a distance the nearest goblin the eye can see falls to the ground. Then another and another. Illuminated with only the moon Serefina is really an Elf, she pulls accurate shots one after the after at a range of almost 300 meters. As the whole village cheers for her. Without a scope I cannot really engaged the goblins accurately at such distance, my Eagle eye skill is not that high level enough. Even then I took a deep breath, pulled the bolt of my SMLE and load my own made .303 British to the chamber and aims at the approaching enemies.

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