Chapter 14.2 - Goblin Attack Part 4

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Then as the villagers at the front at the right flank began to fall one by one, former adventurers from the rear jump into the fray led by Kyle. Their swordmanship is little rusty but they can keep the goblins at bay. Kyle relentlessly hack and slash the oncoming goblins. I can barely see the action over there but will probably experience it first hand.

Our left flank wooden wall began to falter from the continuous blunt attacks by the goblins. And it slowly gave way. The sudden outburts of goblins was frightening but the villagers were quick to react, they quickly recovered their lances and quickly point it on the direction of the goblins. The goblins jump towards the villagers but the lances killed them off before they reach them. But their fellow goblins used their fallen comrades as a meatshield. With the lances having dead goblins on their tips it is hard to used them again.

Thus another wave of goblins quickly engages the villagers that abandoned their lances to fend them off in a close quarter battle using their owm swords or bayonets. The intensity of the battle will leave you hearing only the sounds of clashing metal and the moan of the injured or dying.

We can only support them as much firing at this close range is diffucult so then we attached our bayonets. We charged in to support the front with our sharp bayonets, easily slashed the goblins. And we can also quickly shoot them at point blank range. I ordered Liana to stay on guard and to cover my rear as I charged. She isn't really prepared for a close quarter battle that requires muscular strength, my lack of strength was compensated by my magic skills.

On top of the solid structure the village archer continuously support both sides with arrows. Serefina also provides accurate fire to the ogres as they possess much more threat. The villagers began to tire off resulting to their attacks to become hasty. Resulting to casualties, we are losing. So then I shouted a retreat as we will take the front.

The villagers was doubtful to us at first but seeing we possess magical weapons, surely we have plans. And they are correct, they began to systematically retreat as we take the front. We then switch our guns to our Thompson SMG and the shotgun. My Tommy gun is equipped with a 50 round drum mag, this mafia as it can get. Once the villagers retreated to our backs I unleashed the fury of the "Chicago Piano".

My Thompson unleashes a rain of fire of .45ACP, my copied bullet is a little inaccurate but it is very precise in deliviring the pain to the enemies. A single drum mag can decimate a line or two of goblins. Luckily I have 6 of those along with 4 stick magazines. Supported by Liana's shotgun we held off the line for as long as we can for the villagers to catch their breaths and reheal. They are cheering for us as we decimated the goblins line after line, Serefina provided the heavy fire against the ogres.

Everything is going smoothly, to my calculations we can survived the waves with our ammunition. It might just barely get us to there.

I peppered the whole left flank with .45ACP and Liana blasted off goblins with her 12 Gauge buckshot rounds. The sound of shooting from the my SMG and shotgun are music to my ears. With the Thompson in automatic I frequently find myself out of bullets thus changing and expending mags after mags. Down with only three stick magazines I began to realizes that I could have misunderestimated the goblins. They are still waves after waves coming for us. And due to the confusion we are not informed in time that the right flank was defeated and have retreated to our backs. The stone giant house in the middle and relatively steong wooden houses on the sides provided as a funnel like field. When the right flank falls we can be possibly encircled. Serefina shouted towards us that the goblins are now trying to outmanuever us. And with the stone house slowly being climbed by the goblins they are beggining to fall too.

But it was too late. We were informed too late as the goblins quickly decimates the right flank we quickly realizes that we are now surrounded, the rear is having a hard time to push back the goblins as some are still badly beaten.

Just the two of us with our guns almost out of ammuntion, me and Liana faces off our worse fight yet.

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