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Shawn and I's conversation ended there. I said very few words to Abby, and that was all communication over. I didn't want to get in trouble for talking in my first class here.

Next period was English. The teacher wasn't as nice, and I didn't have Abby or Shawn in that class. I got sat next to a girl named Josie. She seemed.... interesting.

After a few dreadful hours, it was finally lunch.

I stood in the middle of the cafeteria trying to look for Abby. I couldn't see her anywhere, so I just sat on an empty table, alone. I don't even know why I thought she'd want to sit next to me in the first place.

For the next ten minutes I just went on my phone, and scrolled through Instagram. I needed something to take my mind off of this day. That was until I got interrupted.

"Hey" I heard a voice say. I looked up from my phone and saw a happy Shawn sat in front of me.

His smile could light up a room.

"Hi" I replied.

"So, why are you sat alone?" he wondered.

How do I not let him know I'm a loner, but tell him the truth at the same time?

"I- I couldn't find Abby" I shrugged.

He nodded his head as if to say he understood, but he still remained staring at me.

"You don't have to sit with me, you know, because you feel sorry for me" I blurted. I didn't mean to say it, but I just didn't want his pity.

"No, that's not why I'm here. I just- didn't like to see you sat alone" he slightly chuckled.


"Well, thank you" I gave in.

His smile grew a bit bigger, if that was even possible. "So, Maya"


"Where did you move here from?" he asked.

"New York" I answered.

His smile suddenly turned to confusion. "Why? I mean- not that you're not welcome here. I just... why?"

He seemed really nervous when he thought he'd messed up. It was cute.

"My Dad got a promotion, so we all had to move here" I explained.

"That's cool, but I bet it sucks leaving all your friends back in America though" he assumed.

It would suck, if I had any friends. There was no one to leave behind.

"Yeah, sucks" I lied.

"Anyways" he changed the subject. "I hope you like it here in Canada. I think everyone here is pretty friendly so you'll fit in just fine"

It was as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders when those words came out of his mouth. 'I'll fit in just fine'.


"Maya, so sorry I bailed on you. I got caught up in other things but- i'm here now" Abby announced out of nowhere, I didn't even notice her walk over and sit next to me.

"It's no problem, Shawn kept me company" I told her.

"Oh, I bet he did" she smirked, giving him the evil eyes.


"I'll be going. It was nice talking to you Maya" Shawn huffed, getting up from his seat and exiting the cafeteria.

"What was that all about?" I asked her.

"Maya, you don't know Shawn" she began. "You don't know what he's like"

"What is he like?" I quickly responded, I was eager to know.

"Shawn Mendes is a player. Every girl here has fallen for him at least once in their life"

Oh. So I guess he is just like the boys at my old school.

"He'll lead you on and then ditch you for the next girl that comes along. Trust me, you don't want to go there" she insisted.

"Okay. But I was just being friendly, I have no intention on getting close to Shawn" I convinced her.

"Fine. But take my advice; Don't fall for Shawn Mendes"

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