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"Why are we running?" he laughed.

"Because I have had enough of arguing, we need to go back to being us!" I explained.

Shawn and I were currently running through the fields behind school, hand in hand, and I was pulling him to be faster. We were heading to the abandoned park that Abby and I went to when we skipped school, because it is so peaceful and quiet.

"Okay, we're here now, we can stop" he complained, clearly out of breath. "Damn, you run fast" he chuckled.

"I just want to explain" I shrugged.

We both took a seat on the bench, and he looked at me with a confused look.

"Why do you want to do this now? What changed?" he asked.

"Well, as cheesy as it sounds" I began. "When we were singing I felt such a strong connection that I realised I can trust you with anything"

"You really can" he agreed. He then flashed a slight smile, before taking my hands in his.

"Okay, so let me explain" I started. "I didn't move to Canada because my Dad got a promotion, I moved because we were... escaping my Dad"

"Maya are you serious?" he asked.

"Yes" I answered. "He used to abuse my mom, mentally and physically, for years. But it only got really bad a couple of months ago, so we had to leave everything behind and come and live with my Aunt and Uncle"

"But, w-why would he do that?" he stuttered, clearly very confused by what I had just told him.

"He was an alcoholic" I stated. "He didn't know what he was doing when he was under the influence, he didn't genuinely want to hurt her that's just what it made him do-"

"No" he interrupted. "You can't make excuses for your Dad's disgusting behaviour"

"Yeah, I know, I just hate to admit what he did" I shrugged. "And the reason I wasn't honest with why we moved here is because... I was ashamed. I didn't want to have to tell the story to someone I barely knew"

"But you know me now, so why didn't you want to tell me the other day?" he continued.

Now this, was the hard part.

"So, the other day when I was at your house, and we were having a great time, I got a text from my mom. Saying that my Dad was here"

"Wait, he came here? To your new home?" he panicked. "Why would he do that?"

"I didn't know at the time, I was so worried, that's why I ran out of your house without any explanation" I explained.

"I totally understand" he agreed. "But, what was the reason?"

I took a deep breath and I could feel my hands begin to shake, which just made him hold them tighter.

"He came here to tell my mom that he was going to rehab, to help with his alcohol issues"

"Oh, that's good... right?" he contemplated.

"Yeah" I began. "But, he said that when he gets out, he is going to come back and join the family again"

"Is that what your family wants?" he asked.

"My mom does. Maybe she'll be happy again. But i'm not sure about Jake" I answered.

"Maya" he stopped me. "What do you want to happen?"

I paused for a second to regather my thoughts, and looked into his eyes. He looked so genuinely concerned for me, which made me feel even worse about telling him I might be leaving.

"I- I don't know how to say this" I admitted.

"It's fine" he nodded. "Take your time"

"It's time that I don't have" I shrugged. I immediately regretted saying that, but I couldn't take it back now.

"What do you mean?" he asked, this time with more force and worry in his voice.

"My Dad... he wants us all to move back to New York together. When he gets back"

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, it looked like he had seen a ghost. He froze, and just remained sitting there, completely still.

"This is why I couldn't tell you" I added, my voice cracking from the emotion. "I couldn't bear to see you sad, after how good things were going"

He remained unresponsive, so I just lay my head on his shoulder.

"H-how long until your Dad gets back?" he whispered, barely able to speak from the shock.

"About a week" I answered.

He then took a big deep breath, before saying "Then we'll make these the best week of our lives"

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