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It was semester break, so I spent my day in my pjs, watching Netflix in bed. I needed a chill day after everything that's been happening, but I was still extremely excited for my first date with Shawn tonight.

Around 5pm, I began to get ready. First, I took a long shower and did a full skincare routine. Then, I chose my outfit and got dressed. I decided on a cute black dress, that wasn't too over the top but still posh enough for a dinner date. After that, I did my makeup and curled my hair, with only seconds to spare before Shawn arrived.

Then there was a knock on the door.

I quickly made my way downstairs, but once again, my mom beat me to the door. Shawn was stood outside, and she was stood in the doorway, interrogating him. But all I could notice was how amazing Shawn looked, he was wearing a shirt and you could see the outline of his muscles from a mile away.

"Maya, you didn't tell me you were going out?" she told me, with a hint of anger in her voice.

"No, I didn't" I simply replied, before walking past her, out of the door, and closing it behind me.

"What's going on with your mom?" Shawn immediately asked when we were alone. "She was asking me a load of questions and-"

"I don't know, she's just tense" I lied.

He then took a second to look me up and down, and he was smirking like crazy. "You look... amazing"

I then felt my cheeks heat up and I hid them with my hands. "Thank you, so do you" I blushed.

He noticed me get embarrassed so took my hand off of my face and interlocked it with his.

"You ready to go?" he smirked.

"Yeah" I agreed.

He led me to the car, and like the gentleman he is, he opened the door for me and helped me get in. I thanked him, and then we began to drive.

After around 10 minutes we arrived at the restaurant, and it was the most fancy place I'd ever been to in my life.

"You coming?" Shawn chuckled, snapping me out of my daydream. I was too busy admiring the place, that I didn't notice him get out of the car and open my side door.

"Oh, yeah" I laughed back, taking his hand and stepping out of the car.

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