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I could tell Shawn noticed him at the same time as me, because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight, before whispering "We can leave if you want?" into my ear.

"I'll be fine" I assured him, holding his hand tighter.

There must have been around 20 people from our school here, so I knew that I could easily avoid Ben. And I don't know why I assumed he wouldn't be here, Abby doesn't know what happened so she still thinks he's a friend.

We entered the the building and immediately I got chills as it was pitch black, and I was scared of what was hiding in the dark.

Suddenly a teenaged girl with blood and chains all over her ran at us with speed, causing us all to scream very, very loud.

I immediately ran into Shawn's arms and hid my head into his chest. He then burst out laughing at my silliness, but he still wrapped his arms around me to comfort me.

"This...is...terrifying!" I screamed.

"Maya we've been in here one minute!" he laughed.

After a couple of seconds I removed myself from his chest and faced reality, but he still kept his arm around my waist. It was sweet.

We entered the next room and there were about ten statues of clowns, all looking creepy. Everyone was crowding together and staying in the corner, but then Matt walked up to one of the clowns and pulled its wig off.

When the wig fell to the ground we all realised that the clown had real hair, and that it was in fact a human, not a statue. It then made a really creepy smile and let out a terrifying laugh, causing us to break out into screaming again.

Then all of the statues started to walk towards us, because they were all humans, which scared me even more.

'it's just a haunted house you wimp' I repeated in my head.

Then, Abby and a couple of other girls at the front of the crowd started to push us further into the corner of the room, which made everyone move around, so I lost Shawn in the crowd.

I looked around for him for a second but then all the lights turned off, making the room pitch black.

I was stuck, in a room, with clowns. My literal worst nightmare.

Nearly everyone in the room started to scream, but I just stood still, frozen with shock.

I heard a lot of footsteps, and I couldn't tell if they were from the clowns coming towards us, or if it was from my friends running away.

Then the lights turned back on.

And everyone was gone, apart from one person.


Okay, maybe being stuck in a room with clowns wasn't my worst nightmare, because this was.

I stood there, staring at him, not wanting to move. I was terrified of him.

"Everyone went through there by the way" he told me, pointing towards a door.

I nodded in response, but stayed still.

"Maya. I know you know, about that night" he continued. "And I just want to tell you that I am deeply sorry"

Anger bubbled inside of me, and it made me want to scream and shout. But I still remained silent.

"I know that'll never make up for what I did. But I still hope we can be friends"

The fact that he thought I'd be friends with him, after all the pain he caused me, made me feel sick. As soon as he said that, I turned away and left the room.

Ben, is a vile pig, and always will be.

I walked into the next room, which looked like a doll house, but it was empty. Then I walked through the next door, and a weight immediately lifted off of my shoulders when I was reunited with the crowd of people.

"Maya!" Shawn shouted, gesturing for me to go over to him. "Where were you?"

"I got stuck behind the crowd, but I'm fine" I answered.

"Okay well we've reached the end of the haunted house now, so should we go home?" he asked.

"Yeah" I agreed.

We said goodbye to the group and then got in the car to head home.

When we began to drive home, I felt a sudden urge to tell Shawn what happened.

"When I lost you back there, I ended up being in a room alone with Ben"

"What? Maya, I'm so sorry that I wasn't there" he apologised.

"No, Shawn don't apologise. It's really not your fault. But I just thought you'd like to know" I explained.

"Yeah, thanks I did want to know. So, what did he say to you?" he asked.

"He told me that he was sorry, and that he hopes we can be friends again"

"You're kidding right?" he spat. "Friends! What an idiot"

"I know" I agreed.

"So, you're okay... aren't you?" he asked, worriedly.

"Yeah. I am" I assured him. "I'm actually thinking I might go back to school on Monday"

"Really? That's great!" he smiled.

He pulled up outside his house, so our conversation ended there.

"Goodnight Shawn" I said as I got out of his car.

"Goodnight Maya" he said in return.

I walked up to my front door and then stopped, and turned around to face Shawn. He was looking through his pockets for his house keys.

"Shawn" I called.

"Yeah" he answered, turning to face me.

I left my driveway and ran across the road up to Shawn's house, and then embraced him into a tight hug.

"Thank you, for everything" I said softly, before kissing him on the cheek and running back inside my house.

I went to sleep that night genuinely happy, just thinking about Shawn.

author's note:
this chapter was inspired by the dolan twins latest video with james charles & emma chamberlain, because they were in a haunted house and you could see emma and ethan hugging when she got scared and it was so cute.

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