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After hours of drinking and dancing, lets just say I wasn't just a little bit drunk. I was wasted.

"I love this song!" I slurred, shouting over the music.

"Me too!" Ben agreed. We'd been dancing together all evening, and spending a lot of time together. He was a lot of fun.

My vision was so blurred I accidentally stumbled and tripped over the coffee table.

"Steady on" he laughed, leaning down to check if I was okay.

"I'm tired" I said quietly, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He didn't say anything else, he just scooped me up and began to carry me bridal style out of the room.

My eyes started to close but I noticed him put me down on a bed. I'm guessing it was his, as the bedroom looked like a typical teenage boys'.

Then I blacked out.

I don't remember anything else from that night.

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