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my family said yes, my mom is very excited. what time should we come over?

my mom is too. and come over for 6?

sounds good


I got butterflies in my stomach whenever I thought about dinner tonight. For some reason I was really nervous to meet Shawn's parents. I mean, Shawn means so much to me, so it would break my heart if they didn't like me.

I was also nervous about my family meeting Shawn. I know my Aunt already likes him, because she's known him since he was little, but I really want my Mom and my brother to like him too.

Speaking of my brother, I haven't spoken to him much since we moved here. Jake used to be my best friend when we living in New York because I didn't have anyone else, but now we've both got new friends and don't spend any time together. That is going to make tonight even more special for me.

And the main problem, the one that's making me the most nervous, is that I don't know what questions the Mendes family are going to ask mine. What if they ask about my Dad?

"Hey honey" My mom smiled, walking into my bedroom. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just thinking about tonight" I answered.

"I'm so excited to meet them! Especially Shawn, after all you talk about him" she winked.

"Mom. Please don't embarrass me tonight" I begged.

"I won't" she agreed. "So, what are you gonna wear?"

"I was thinking just my black skinny jeans and a fancy top" I shrugged. "And then I'll straighten my hair and actually put makeup on"

"Sounds lovely. You should wear this" she told me, pointing to a white off the shoulder top in my closet.

"That's perfect! Thank you" I gasped, giving her a hug.

"You're welcome. We're going to leave in an hour so you might want to start getting ready now" she suggested. I nodded my head in response, and then she left my bedroom.

I took a quick shower and washed my hair, and then I dried my hair and straightened it. After that, I got dressed and did my makeup. I put on a bit more that usual, but not too much, to make me look more presentable in front of Shawn's family.

Then, we left.

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