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"Maya, get ready quickly! I've called Karen and she said Shawn could give you a ride to and from school from now on! He'll be outside in 10 minutes"

I groaned with anger and slammed my head into my vanity. I was currently trying to avoid Shawn whilst I cleared my head, but that wouldn't work if I was stuck in a car with him for 20 minutes a day.

After contemplating life for a few minutes, I decided I just had to get up and get this over with. I finished getting ready, and then headed downstairs.

"Mom, why can't I just walk?" I asked her, whilst exaggerating my sadness in my voice.

"Because I need to make sure you're okay at all times, and I know Shawn will keep you safe" she answered.

"But, mom" I complained.

"Maya! This is a very nice thing he's doing for you, so be grateful! Now, leave!" she ordered.

I let out one last sigh, and then walked out of the front door. When I closed my front gate behind me, Shawn exited his house at the same time.

We both awkwardly walked over to his car and got in in silence. Instead of starting to drive, he just sat there with his hands in his lap. I didn't want to be the one to start the conversation though, because I didn't have anything to say, so I just leant my elbow on the door and rested my head against my hand.

"Can we talk?" he finally asked. His voice was quiet and shaky, as if he was nervous.

"Sure" I agreed, matching his tone.

"Thanks. I-I just- what happened yesterday?" he asked. "Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to upset you-"

"Shawn" I interrupted. "No. I just- Abby told me something and I was just not in the mood to talk to you anymore so I ditched"

"What did she tell you?" he eagerly asked.

"She told me that you cheated on her" I simply answered. "And that if I let you lead me on you'd do the same to me. So, I was confused and I just didn't want to talk to you"

"Maya, that's her side of the story, like I told you" he assured me.

"But Shawn, you told me a completely different story. So I think you're the one who lied to me"

He took a deep breath in and began to drive. The rest of the ride was silent, and I didn't care to break it.

When we pulled up to the school parking lot, he parked the car and remained sitting there, still in silence.

"You want to hear the real story?" he asked me quietly.

"Yes. That's literally all I want" I agreed.

"Fine. Here it goes" he began. "What I told you before was true, I did fall out of love with Abby. I was going to break up with her one night and I went to my friend Jack's for last minute advice, which is why I was late to her house and she went to mine to find me. The next day I was going out to dinner with my family and Josie and her family, and she texted me saying 'can't wait for our date', as a joke. I swear, I would never cheat on anyone. It was all a big misunderstanding and Abby wouldn't listen to me"

It took me a few moments to process everything he told me, but even then I struggled to find words to say. "Oh" was all I could simply mutter.

"And I don't know why she told you that I would lead you on and cheat on you, because that's not even what's happening between us. We're just friends" he finished.

Did I... just get .... friend zoned?

"Yeah" I agreed.

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