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I closed the front door behind me, and lent my back against it, falling into a deep trance. I couldn't stop the smile on my face when I thought about the amazing day I had.

"Maya? Honey?" my Mom called from the kitchen, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Can you come here please?" she pleaded. "I need to talk to you about something"

Well this didn't sound good.

I walked into the room and she was sat at the table with her head in her hands, but when she noticed my presence, she quickly snapped her head up.

"Oh, hi honey" she fake smiled.

"Mom" I gasped. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing!" she lied. "Just thinking about things that's all"

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Well, we haven't spoken about what your Dad came to tell us. He wants to move back to New York, but what do you think about all this?" she explained.

"Mom" I began. "My life is so much better here, I have friends. I have Shawn"

"I know you do honey" she agreed. "But, I think it's what's best for all of us if we do go home"

"Why's that?" I huffed.

"We can be a family again, a happy family" she explained.

"Happy? Really, with Dad home?" I snapped.

"Maya!" she stopped me. "Don't speak like that about your father. He made mistakes, and he is deeply sorry for them and wants to make up for it"

"So why can't he do that here, in Canada?" I asked.

"Because Canada is not our home" she argued.

"Fine" I spat. "You do what you want to make yourself happy"

I stormed out of the room and up to my bedroom, and collapsed onto my sofa.

I know I shouldn't of reacted so selfishly, but I just don't want to leave Shawn and go back to a place where I don't belong.

Speaking of Shawn, he interrupted my angry thoughts with an exciting text.

you free tomorrow night?

yeah, why?

i want to take you on a proper date

He's amazing. I do not deserve this boy.

sounds perfect

great:) i'll pick you up at 7

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