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"Shawn mom wants- Oh my god" a voice said from the doorway.

It was Aaliyah, and she'd just walked in to see me and Shawn seconds away from kissing.

Shawn suddenly pulled away and released his hands from mine, before racing to his bedroom door and closing it on her.

"I just came to tell you that Maya's family are leaving now" Aaliyah muttered from the other side of the door.

We listened to her run back down the stairs, and then there was silence. Shawn then slowly turned to face me and rested his back against the door.

"I should go" I said quietly, after a moment or two too long of silence.

He didn't answer me. Instead he just remained staring at the floor.

I watched his movements, and when I realised that he wasn't going to say anything I stood up from his bed and walked towards him.

"Goodnight Shawn" I said quietly, keeping my eyes focussed on the ground. I was too embarrassed to make eye contact.

He slowly stepped away from his door, to let me leave. I then took one last look at him, but he was staring away from me, so I left.

"Wait, Maya you forgot something" he told me, stopping me in my tracks.

I quickly turned around to see that he'd made his way out of his room and was directly behind me.


He interrupted me by grabbing my hand and pulling me tight into his chest. He then smashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss was slow, soft, and amazing. But mainly surprising. It lasted a couple of seconds, before he pulled away.

"Goodnight Maya" he blushed, slowly walking back into his room. When he closed the door, I let out a huge sigh of relief and excitement. I was trying so hard not to make a girly squeal.

"You ready to go?" My mom asked when she saw me come down the stairs.

"Yeah" I nodded, grabbing my coat. I then glanced across the room and made eye contact with Aaliyah.

She looked nervous, and awkward. I flashed her a smile as if to tell her it was okay, and then she smiled back, which lifted a weight off of my shoulders.

When I got home I collapsed on my bed and just lay there, staring a the ceiling, blushing like a little girl. I was just so happy.

Tonight I've established I do like Shawn, in that way. But everything in the back of my mind was questioning if he liked me back.

I mean, he must do. If he kissed me like that, he must like me.

I just really hope that he does.

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