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"What happened next?" I laughed uncontrollably.

"My mom grounded me for two weeks" he responded.

"You deserved it!" I giggled.

The whole date was amazing. We'd finished our food and had now been telling stories about our childhood for hours. I was having the best time ever.

"Wow. It's already 11pm" I told him in shock.

"We better go. I told your mom you'd be home by 11:30" he added.

"Wow. You're such a good boy" I joked.

"That's me" he replied.

He held out his hand for me and I took it in mine, and then he helped me out of the booth. We'd already paid about an hour ago, so we just headed straight for the car.

When we arrived at my house I made sure that my mom wasn't in the living room watching us, before we got out of the car. He walked me up to the door and then we stopped.

"Thank you for tonight, I had a really nice time" I smiled.

"Me too. We need to do it again sometime" he agreed.

We were both staring into each other's eyes and smiling, and then he began to lean in.

And so did I.

Our lips touched and it felt amazing, but we parted after a couple of seconds.

"I'll see you on Monday Maya" he blushed, kissing me on the cheek and then walking back to his car.

He watched me walk inside my house before driving off. What a gentleman.

I stood in my door way for a couple of seconds in shock, just smiling like crazy. I was just so happy.

But then I was interrupted by a text.

we need to talk.

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