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"About what?" he uncomfortably asked, putting the guitar down and sitting on the sofa beside me.

"Shawn, you know what I'm talking about. Something happened last night when we got to the party and it's been weird ever since" I explained.

"I guess you could say that" he agreed.

"So... what happened?" I asked.

He took a deep breath before beginning, and I could tell he didn't want to be having this conversation.

"When we got to the party, Jack J dragged me away because he wanted to dance or something, I can't really remember. But then Josie began to speak to me, and I really didn't want to speak to her, but then I saw you with Jack G. You looked like you were having so much fun, so I didn't want to ruin it"

"So... you stayed with Josie all night... because you thought I wanted to be with Jack?" I questioned, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yeah" he answered quietly, clearly embarrassed.

"Shawn" I disagreed, shaking my head. "I did not want to be with Jack. I went to the party with you for a reason"

"Oh- sorry. I guess I just thought you wouldn't have wanted me to ruin your fun" he shrugged.

"That's so dumb" I slightly laughed.

"It's not" he argued. "Because a couple of hours later, you kissed him"

"No I didn't. He kissed me, and it was a dare" I added.

"It seemed like you enjoyed it" he muttered under his breath.

"Shawn! Why are you getting mad at me? What was I supposed to do, push him away?" I argued.

"That wouldn't have been a bad idea" he shrugged.

I then let out a huge sigh of anger and confusion. "What is going on with you?"

"Nothings going on with me! I'm just- oh it's going to sound so stupid if I tell you" he insisted.

"It won't. Tell me" I demanded.

"Fine. I was... I was just jealous of you and Jack"


"Are you kidding me?" I laughed.

"See! I told you it would sound stupid" he blushed.

"It does! Because there's nothing to be jealous of. There's nothing going on between me and Jack, I'll probably never even see him again" I explained.

"R-really?" he stuttered.

"Yes" I huffed, realising my anger. But I just couldn't contain all of my emotions anymore. "But Shawn you have no reason to get jealous even if I did like another guy, because you don't even like me!"

"Woah- where's that come from? And who said I didn't like you?" he asked.

"Oh please!" I scoffed. "So first you flirt with me, which makes me think you do like me, and then you completely friend zone me when I start to have feelings for you-"

"Wait" he stopped me. "You have feelings for me?"

I mentally face palmed myself, just realising I'd told him I liked him in that way.

"Don't make fun of me, it's already embarrassing enough admitting you like someone and them not liking you back"

"Maya" he said calmly. "I do like you back"

"I knew that you were going to diss me- wait what? You do?" I gasped.

"Yes!" he laughed. "I have liked you since the moment we met, Maya. I only said we were just friends that one time because I thought you didn't like me back"

I just remained sitting there, staring into space, thinking about what had just happened. Shawn had just admitted he had feelings for me, and I was frozen. This is what I'd wanted for so long, but I was so shocked I didn't know what to say.

"But, if we're going to make things work, we should take it slow. Not put any labels on it, just see how things go" he suggested.

"Sounds perfect" I agreed, trying to contain my excitement.

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