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"Mom?!" I shouted.

"Maya!" she gasped from upstairs.

I slammed the front door behind me and sprinted as fast as I could towards her voice. I found her sitting on my bed.

"Mom" I huffed in relief. No sight of my Dad lifted a weight off my shoulders.

"Maya where have you been?" She whisper shouted. I'm guessing my brother is asleep (a typical 18 year old at 8pm) so she didn't want to wake him.

"Oh god, I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry. I went out for a bit with a friend" I explained.

"Maya I thought something really bad had happened" she argued. "You need to tell me these things"

"I know. I'm so sorry" I repeated. I sat down on the bed next to her and gave her a side hug, and rested my head on her.

"So, who's the friend?" she suddenly asked, a little bit too energetically.

"His name is Shawn" I answered honestly.

"Oh. It's a boy" she smirked.

"Mom, no. It's not like that" I laughed.

"Well, I'm glad you've settled in well at that school" she smiled.

"Yeah, me too. I've also got a friend called Abby. Her and Shawn are really nice" I told her.

For the first time in a while, she looked genuinely happy when I said that.

"Is that Shawn Mendes you're talking about? The boy across the road?" my Aunt chimed in, poking her head around the door.

"Yes" I nodded.

"I like that boy" she smirked. "He's a very nice young man"

"Okay, that's where the conversation ends" I cringed, standing up from the bed and walking to my bedroom.

I threw my phone on my bed and it lit up, revealing a text message.

unknown number
are you okay?
This is Shawn by the way.

i'm fine thanks

you sure? you left in quite a hurry

honestly I'm fine, my mom just wanted me home.

okay good. you know i'm always here if you need to talk.

that's very kind of you, thank you


The conversation ended there so I stood up from my bed and walked towards my window to close the curtains, but something distracted me. I caught eye contact with Shawn through my window.

His bedroom was directly opposite mine, on the other side of the street. He was sat on bed with a guitar in his hand, looking directly at me. I gave him a slight smile before closing the curtains.

I then took a shower and got ready for bed. As soon as I turned the lights off, I got a text.

goodnight maya

goodnight shawn

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