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"Come on Maya" he smirked.

"I don't want to...I'm tired" I slurred.

"You're no fun" he complained.

His hand traced my body, slowly getting closer to the bottom of my dress.

My eyelids were heavy, and they began to close. But I could still feel him take off my dress.

"Ben" I pleaded.

"It's alright" he assured me.

My eyes opened slightly, and I saw him stood over me, with no clothes on.

Then he began.

"Stop" I begged, too weak to push him off. Or move. Or scream.

All I could feel was pain.

Tears ran down my cheeks, as I moaned in agony.

"Please" I repeated.


My eyes burst open and I sat up with force, coughing and gasping for air. I was sweaty, and shaken, and scared.

I had a nightmare, about that night.

But it wasn't just a dream, it was a flashback.

I had remembered what had actually happened that night. After finding out the truth, the memories had come back to me.

My sweat turned to tears. And I broke out into hysterical crying.

My mom came running in and immediately took me into a hug. She was whispering comforting things into my ear, which I couldn't process, whilst rubbing my back.

The feeling of someone touching me, haunted me. And made me feel so, so much worse.

When I finally stopped crying, she laid with me until I fell asleep.

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