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It's now Wednesday. I didn't see Shawn once yesterday, I don't think he went to school at all. Or if he did, he did a great job at avoiding me.

I was especially not looking forward to today. That's because, it's today we present our music projects. How are we supposed to sing about being there for each other when we're currently not talking? This is such a mess.

As I walked into the class I noticed Shawn sat in the corner, but he was with a couple of friends, so I didn't go over. Instead, I took a seat at the front alone.

"Okay class. Today is the day!" the teacher began. "Each group will come up and present their song to the class, and I will grade them as you sing. Good luck!"

It felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, I was so nervous. But luckily, me and Shawn weren't picked until last.

"Okay, last up... is Shawn and Maya!" he called.

I slowly stood up from my chair and walked over to the front of the class, to meet Shawn.

He passed me the music sheet to put on the stand, and my hands were shaking like crazy. He could clearly see that, so as we sat down, he put his hand on my thigh, sending tingles through my body. "There's no need to be nervous, you're amazing" he whispered.

His words comforted me so much, that I couldn't hide the smile on my face. It made the feeling so much better, when he started to smile too.

I love this boy.

He started to sing and it felt like we were the only two in the room. That's what made it so easy to perform with him.

As I began to sing too, we were staring into each other's eyes, and it was like a scene from a movie. It felt unreal.

But it was when he sang the last line, that changed everything.

The words "never be alone" stuck in my head.

In that moment, I'd realised that Shawn truly meant those words. He will always be there for me, and even if I do have to move back to New York, he will still be there.

"Well done!" the teacher cheered, whilst everyone else erupted into clapping. "That was amazing"

The bell then rang, and everyone started to leave, leaving me and Shawn sat alone.

"Shawn" I whispered softly.

"Yes" he replied.

"I'm ready to explain everything"

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