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"Explain everything!" A familiar voice shouted.

Suddenly my bedroom door burst open and Abby threw herself onto my bed next to me.

"How did you-"

"Your mom let me in" she interrupted. "Now tell me!"

"I have one word for you, Josie" I began.

"Josie. The psycho" she spat.

"Exactly!" I agreed. "So let me start from the beginning: In class the other day Josie kept threatening me because she found out I was friends with Shawn. She was telling me that if I kept getting close to him I'd regret it"

"Psycho!" She repeated.

"Then, today in music class Shawn started to argue with me because he thinks I was threatening her" I continued.

"That's so stupid. Why does he believe her?" she complained.

"I know. She kept repeating that they'd been together for a year so nothing can come between them and-"

"Maya. Josie and Shawn aren't together" she interrupted.

"Well then why the heck would she-"

"It's classic Josie. She has always had a thing for Shawn and he has never liked her back. He's dated many girls in our school but never her. So if anyone gets close to dating shawn she'll do anything to stop them" she explained.

"Wait. You just said- Close to dating?" I questioned.


"But me and Shawn aren't-"

"Say what you want Maya, but it'll happen" she laughed. "Mark my words"

"Whatever. But, I'm still not going to that party tonight" I argued.

"Maya! I thought you were kidding earlier! You have to go" she complained.

"I don't want to, I don't want to see him" I repeated.

"Maya, this is the party of the year. I really want you to go with me" she begged.

"But Abby-"

"Please" she pleaded.

I took a look into her eyes for a couple of seconds and could instantly tell she was being genuine. She actually wanted me to go.

"Fine" I hesitantly agreed.

"Yes!" she cheered. She immediately jumped up and started jumping on the bed and screaming really loud.

"Abby!" I laughed, getting her to stop.

"Come on! Let's get ready" she ordered.

I walked to my wardrobe to try and pick an outfit, and out of the corner of my eye I saw her pull out her dress from a bag I didn't see her bring in.

"You brought your outfit?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course! I knew you'd change your mind. I also brought all my makeup and my curling iron. We're about to look hot"

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