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10 missed calls from Shawn. 25 confused text messages from Shawn. And a whole lot of ignoring from me.

"Thanks for today, Maya" Abby beamed, genuinely smiling for the first time in a while. We'd walked all the way to a small park across town, and spent hours just talking and laughing together.

"No problem. And thanks for warning me about Shawn, I promise won't get close to him unless I know his feelings towards me are genuine" I replied.

"I'm glad" she nodded. "But we should head home now, our parents are probably worried sick"

We parted our ways and I headed back to my house. But I wasn't expecting the welcome home I got.

"Maya! Where have you been?" My mom shouted.

"It's a long story" I told her.

"You better start telling me now young lady!" she persisted.

"Mom, chill-"

"Chill? Did you just tell me to chill?" she argued.

I was astonished by her anger towards me, but mainly confused.

"I got a call from your father today" she explained, this time in a quieter tone.

In that moment it felt like my heart dropped, and started to beat a million miles an hour.

"He said he wants to visit. He knows where we are Maya"

I lost all feeling in my body and felt numb. I was so scared.

"So when I got a call from your school, telling me you'd gone missing... I-I can't even explain my worry" she continued.

"Mom. I'm so sorry" I apologised, struggling to find the right words.

"I know you are. But I need to make sure you're safe at all times. So, you're grounded" she told me.

"Grounded?" I snapped.

"Yes, Maya. So from now on, you go to school, then you come home. That's it" she explained.

"Okay" I agreed. "But, you have to let me know about these things. You need to call me if Dad ever calls you or turns up here"

"Deal. Now, go to bed" she ordered.

I said goodnight to her and then headed upstairs. But as I was walking to my room I got stopped.

"Maya?" he asked.

It was my brother, he was finally talking to me. We hadn't spoken much since we moved here, and it was nice to hear his voice again.

"Yeah" I answered, walking into his bedroom.

"Shawn came by earlier, asking for you" he told me.

"What did he want?" I asked.

"He wanted to see if you were okay. What happened between you two?" he wondered.

"Nothing" I lied.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me" he insisted. "But Maya, Shawn's a good guy. Give him a chance"

It was weird to hear him talk nice about Shawn. He normally hates every guy I talk about.

"Thanks. Goodnight" I waved.

"Night" he smiled.

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