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"Maya! Shawn's here!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back, grabbing my phone and running out of my bedroom.

I was really excited for tonight, the party at Jacks'. I know I shouldn't be after last time, but the thought of spending an evening with Shawn made my heart race.

I was wearing a cute black dress, with straightened hair and a bit of makeup. I wanted to look pretty tonight but not too over the top.

"Hey Maya, you look beautiful" Shawn smiled as I walked down the stairs, slightly struggling due to the heels.

He noticed me having difficultly so he quickly rushed over and grabbed my hand, helping me down every step. Such a gentleman.

"Thank you" I blushed.

"Okay, you two kids have fun. And no drinking!" mom scolded.

"Mom! You know me" I fake gasped, pretending to be hurt, causing Shawn to laugh next to me.

"That's what I'm afraid of" she shouted back whilst she walked down the hallway.

When Shawn was finished laughing we finally left the house, and began driving to the Jacks'. I was beginning to get nervous, but I knew with Shawn by my side the whole night I'd be okay.

Walking into the party gave me terrible flashbacks of Ben's. The loud music, the massive crowds of people, the awful smell of alcohol. It was nauseating.

"You alright?" Shawn asked me one more time before we entered. He'd asked me the same question many times since we left the house, I guess he just cares about me a lot.

"I'm fine" I reassured him, flashing a slight smile.

We stepped into the living room and I saw some familiar faces from school, which calmed me down. Then, two guys who I had never seen before stumbled over.

"Shawn!" one of them slurred. He was very drunk already.

"Hey!" Shawn shouted back. "Maya, this is Jack Johnson" he told me, pointing to the blonde drunk one of the two. "And this is Jack Gilinsky" he added, referring to the brunette sober one.

"Nice to meet you" Jack G smiled, giving me a hug. It was very welcoming, and I really enjoyed it.

"You too" I said in return. I was going to say the same to Jack J, but he was currently pulling Shawn away somewhere.

Wait- he was taking Shawn away. And he promised that he wouldn't leave me.

Anxiety suddenly took over me as I stood solely around strangers. I mean, I now knew Jack, but everyone else in this crowd I had no clue about.

"Do you want a drink?" Jack shouted over the music.

"Uh- Yeah. Something strong please" I answered, slight joking but mainly not.

"Sounds good" he smiled. "Come with me"

I nodded, and then followed Jack towards the kitchen. This house was like a maze, but I was soon met with a familiar face.

Across the room from me and Jack, was Shawn. But he wasn't alone, he was with Josie.

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