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Music class. The class I'd been dreading since my 'talk' with Josie yesterday.

"Maya" Shawn said in a low tone as he approached me.

"Hey" I half-smiled.

"Look, we need to talk" he huffed.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"I just want to know why you said those things to Josie" he explained.

I looked up from my hands to make strong eye contact with him, and I shook my head in disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding me" I spat.

"What are you complaining about? You were the one threatening her?" He argued.

"Threatening her? Are you serious?" I snapped.

"Maya, I don't want to argue with you I just want you to explain-"

"Explain what? That your paranoid girlfriend found out we were friends so she started to threaten me and-"

"Come on, I know that's not true" he interrupted.

"Believe what you want Shawn" I told him, before breaking the eye contact and standing up from my seat. I walked out of the class and shut the door behind me, and then left the school.

I was so confused. I'd literally just met Shawn five days ago but I hated that we were arguing. I thought I'd actually found a friend in him.

i'm going home, and there's no way i'm going to that party tonight.

what happened?

come over to my house when school's over. i'll explain everything


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