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He continued to sit there, and just stare into my eyes whilst smiling, and it made me feel so happy to know that we both felt the same way.

"So, do you want to start the song now?" I asked, laughing a little.

When I began to speak, he finally snapped out of his gaze. "Oh, yeah"

He then grabbed his guitar from the desk and returned to sit beside me, but this time he sat a bit closer. Our skin touched, and sent butterflies through my body.

"Okay, so I'll start the song and when you find the rhythm you can join in and sing your parts" he spoke, breaking our eye contact and looking down at his guitar.

He then began to sing, and once again it amazed me. His voice was perfectly soft and raw at the same time, and it left me feeling speechless. The look on his face also made me more attracted to him, because he always looks so passionate when singing.

I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound
Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop
Or slow it down

I was pretty nervous to sing in front of him for the first time, due to him having an amazing talent that I didn't have, so as I was holding the lyrics sheet my hands were shaking like crazy.

And then it was my part, and I began to sing.

I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

As I began to sing, my voice stopped being shaky and I just relaxed, because I loved the song and the words so much. And in the corner of my eye, I noticed Shawn look up from the guitar, and directly at me. He was just watching me as I sang, and it made me feel even more nervous.

As my part came to an end, he looked back at the guitar and continued to sing along with me.

Then when the song came to a finish, he turned back to staring at me.

"What?" I laughed, meeting his eyes.

"Your voice" he simply replied.

My cheeks suddenly went really hot, as I got embarrassed. "I know, I can't sing-"

"No" he interrupted. "Maya, that was amazing"

"Really?" I asked, my eyebrows raising from being genuinely shocked.

"Yes!" he shouted, with a massive smile plastered on his face, causing one to form on mine. "Your voice is beautiful"

"Shawn" I stopped him. "You don't have to say that"

"I know" he answered. "I'm just being honest"

We continued to stare into each others eyes, both smiling like maniacs, and then he started to lean in.

But when he got a few inches away from my lips, I whispered "I thought you wanted to take it slow?" which shocked him, and I pulled away.

His reaction made me burst out laughing, and my cheeks literally hurt from smiling.

"Very funny" he mocked.

"It was your idea Mendes" I shrugged.

"Okay" he began. "Maybe we should reconsider this taking it slow thing"

"Nope, I think I'm good" I joked, causing him to get even more annoyed.

I then felt my phone buzz like crazy, so I checked it, and saw about a thousand messages from my mom.

But I only had to read one of them to know to get home.

dad's here

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