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I chased Abby all the way to the field outside. I found her sat on the bleachers alone, with her head in her hands.

"Abby, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting beside her.

She didn't reply after a few moments so I placed my hand on her back to comfort her, but she immediately dodged it.

"Don't" she snapped.

"Abby, please tell me" I begged.

After a couple of seconds she let out a huge sigh and lifted her head up to face me.

"I told you not to fall for Shawn" she began.

"I told you not to, because I didn't want you to get hurt. You don't know him like I do. You don't know what happened between us"

"I do" I stopped her. "He told me everything"

"Yeah. He told you his side of the story" she spat.

"Well then, you tell me yours" I insisted.

"You're gonna be late for second period Maya" she procrastinated.

"Abby. I don't care. Just tell me" I ordered.

"Fine" she shrugged, taking a deep breath. "So me and Shawn dated for a while. I really liked him, and I thought he really liked me. But boy, was I wrong. One evening we were meant to be going on a date, but he didn't turn up to my house. So I went to his, and his mom said he wasn't home, but I could wait in his bedroom for him. I went up there, and then I heard his phone buzz. There was a text message on it... from Josie. It said, 'can't wait for our date tonight'" she explained.

I sat there, speechless at what she had just told me. I was so shocked and hurt by what Shawn had done to her. And I knew she wasn't lying because I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"That was about a year ago. I've forgiven him since then, but when I saw him flirting with you in math class, I just felt the hurt all over again. I really don't want the same thing to happen to you" she finished.

"Yeah, I get it" I assured her, through my broken voice.

Then, out of nowhere, the worst person who could have possibly turned up appeared.

"I've been looking all over for you guys, are you okay?" Shawn asked. I listened to his voice but I couldn't bear to look at him, I was so angry right now.

"Can you leave us alone?" Abby snapped.

"But- what happened? Maya, are you alright?" he persisted.

I shook my head in disgust, because he was actually trying to convince me he cared about my feelings.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I whispered to Abby.

"You mean, ditch school?" she gasped.

"Yes" I agreed. She nodded her head in response even thought I could tell she was hesitant, but I knew it was the best thing for us both right now.

I then stood up from the bleachers and held my hand out for Abby, and I helped her to her feet.

We then walked past Shawn with pride and avoided eye contact at all cost.

"Maya!" he shouted after me, pleading for an explanation.

But we just carried on walking.

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