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It was Monday morning, and I had to get up early because I needed to walk to school today, as Shawn is too mad at me to offer me a ride.

I really didn't want to go to school, but I've already missed enough days and I know it'll only make it worse if I stay home.

I showered, got dressed, did my makeup and hair and then left the house.

About ten minutes into the walk, I saw Shawn drive past me. My heart broke a little, when I realised it was the first time that he drove past without offering me a ride.

I've really messed it up this time. I didn't want to tell Shawn about what was going on, because he wouldn't want to see me anymore due to me leaving Canada, but he doesn't even want to see me now so it couldn't get much worse.

Actually, let me rephrase that, it could get worse. And it has. Because I have math now, and I have to sit beside Shawn for a whole hour.

As I walked into the class I immediately made eye contact with him, and he quickly looked down at the desk when he realised.

"Hey ab" I said unenthusiastically whilst I took a seat.

"Hey girl!" she cheered. "How are you?"

"I'm... okay" I lied. "How about you?"

"I'm good, apart from Mr. depressed over there was ignoring me for the whole morning" she told me, pointing to Shawn.

'Mr. depressed'. Excuse me whilst I go cry in the corner.

He didn't speak for the entire class, and it was awkward as hell. All I wanted to do was give him a hug but I know he didn't want that.

When the class ended, he basically sprinted away from me, and I didn't see him again until lunch.

"Why isn't Shawn sat with us?" Abby asked me, pointing behind me. I turned my head to see him sat on a table alone, with his head in his hands.

"I don't know" I lied. "I'll go talk to him"

He didn't see me walk over, so I just took a seat opposite him.

"Shawn?" I softly spoke.

He slowly lifted his head up to look at me, and then rubbed his eyes. "Yes"

"Can we talk?" I begged.

"Are you gonna be honest with me? Stop keeping secrets?" he snapped.


"Exactly" he huffed, before pushing himself up from the seat and exiting the cafeteria.

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