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"Okay class, today I'm assigning a project. This project is going to be in partners, and you will produce a song that will showcase both of your talents, whilst telling a story"

I was currently in my first Music class. Mr. James was in the middle of explaining our homework, but was then interrupted by the bell.

"You need to decide who your partner is and discuss what your song will be about by next class!" he announced, shouting over everyone beginning to leave.

I swung my backpack onto my shoulder and swiftly exited the room. It was my last class on my third day here, so I was pretty eager to go home.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned my head to see a happy Shawn.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey. You left quick, got somewhere to be?" he smirked.

"No, nowhere specific" I answered.

"So, you want to be partners?" he asked.

"You, want to be partners, with me?" I questioned. I didn't mean to sound so shocked, but- I was.

"Yeah. So, what do you say?" he laughed.

"Uh- Yeah, sure" I agreed.

"Cool. Do you want to go to Tim's now to discuss-"

"Tim's?" I interrupted. "What's that?"

"Oh my god you haven't lived! Tim Hortons is the best place in the world" he explained, a little too overexcited.

"Okay, lets go" I laughed.

We drove there in his car, and listened to music instead of talking.

"Now, this place, is heaven" he warned me, whilst giving me strong eye contact. I nodded my head in response and then we both got out of the car and walked in.

I immediately noticed a lot of familiar faces from school. This must be the regular hangout for teenagers.

"Two hot chocolate's please" Shawn asked the lady at the counter.

I was too distracted by the atmosphere of the place that I didn't notice him pay or pick up the drinks, so when he passed mine to me I thanked him, and then we sat in a booth by the window.

"So, this is where everyone hangs out I guess"

"Yeah, Tim's is the best place in town" he added. "So, lets get straight to the point. What's your talent?"

"Um, I guess singing" I shrugged.

"Mine too!" he smiled. "And what do you think our song should be about?"

"I'm not sure" I thought.

"Well, do you think it should have a sad or happy vibe?"

"Um, sad. The more emotion the better" I decided.

"Good idea. And the story could be about something that both of us have experienced before" he suggested.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"So, what is something sad that has happened to you in the past?" he asked.

As soon as he said that I started thinking about my Dad. About the abuse.

But there's no way I can ever let Shawn know about that.

"We don't have to decide now, we've got until Friday to tell Mr James" he added. I must have been quiet for a long time because he gave me a strange look.

"Yeah" I quietly agreed.

"So, do you want to exchange numbers? So that if any of us get any ideas we can discuss-"

"Is that your way of asking for my number Mendes?" I joked. That immediately cleared the awkward air between us as we both burst into laughter.

"Yeah I guess it is" he smiled.

"Sure, pass me your phone" I smiled back. He pulled his Iphone out of his back pocket, unlocked it and then handed it to me. I clicked on the contacts icon and then created a new one, entering my number and naming myself 'maya'.

I then grabbed my phone to hand it to him but I saw I had six missed calls from my mom, and a load of text messages.


"What's wrong?" he worriedly asked.

"I need to g-go, right now" I answered, standing up from the booth and walking out of the cafe.

"Wait! Maya I'll give you a ride" he shouted, following closely behind.

"Thanks" I half-smiled.

The whole ride home I just kept thinking, what if something has happened to her? What if my Dad has found us and has done something to her, or my brother? And I wasn't there for her.

"Thanks for the ride" I quickly said to Shawn when we arrived, before I jumped out of the car and ran inside my house.

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