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Yesterday, after around an hour of watching Netflix with Shawn, I went home. I was grateful for everything he did for me, but I still felt awkward around him.

Right now I was trying to decide on an outfit for my date with Ben.

"You alright?" My Aunt asked me, poking her head around my doorframe.

"I need help" I admitted. She nodded in response and entered my room, gasping when she saw the mess. I'd laid out my entire wardrobe on the floor.

"What?" I defended myself. "I was deciding"

"What do you need to decide on an outfit for?" she asked.

"I'm going on a date" I explained, bracing myself for her overdramatic response.

"Oh my!" she screamed. "Shawn finally asked!"

"No! It's not Shawn" I told her.

"It's not Shawn? Who is it then?" she gasped.

"Ben" I smiled.

"Ben? Wait... Ben Jacobs?" she spat.

"Yeah, how do you know-"

"I've heard stories about that boy. Maya, you deserve better"

"I like him. Now, help me" I argued.

"Umm... This top and this skirt" she picked, before throwing them at me and leaving the room.

"Thank you!" I shouted to her, closing my bedroom door at the same time.

I put the outfit on, and it looked really nice. It was a crop top and a black tight skirt.

After realising I only had 20 minutes until Ben would be here to pick me up, I quickly did my makeup and straightened my hair.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

"No one get that! It's for me!" I screamed.

I grabbed my phone and my purse and began to run down the stairs, but my worst nightmare had already happened. My mom had answered the door.

"Maya, why didn't you tell me you were expecting a lovely young man?" she gasped.

"Mom! I am so sorry Ben" I apologised.

"It's fine. You're mom is very nice" he assured me.

"Oh god she got to you. Bye mom!" I shouted, shutting the door on her. I then grabbed his hand and led him out of sight of my mom.

"Hey" I laughed.

"Hey. You look really pretty" he added.

"Thank you. You look really nice too" I replied.

"So, you've recovered from Friday then" he joked.

"Hardly. I don't know if you could guess but, I've never drank before" I admitted.

"Yeah, I guessed" he winked. "Okay lets go"

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