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Gym class.

My literal nightmare.

My Hell on earth.

Don't get me wrong, I love sports. I really do. I just hate the fact that I get shoved into a class with a hundred other teenagers and am forced to be their target. A person for them to look and laugh at, whilst they can physically abuse me in the name of 'fun'. It's just not cool.

And at this school in particular, the gym clothes were awful. An oversized yellow shirt with our names on the front, and these tiny black shorts. Outlining every curve on my body. As I said, my literal nightmare.

"Come on Maya" Abby laughed. I was currently having a mini breakdown in the locker room, refusing to leave.

"I don't want to go out there Abby" I shrugged.

"Come on, I'll stay with you the whole time. It's only dodgeball" she winked.

"Wow, so convincing" I said sarcastically.

"No- Seriously though Maya, it's fine" she assured me. I nodded my head and took a deep breath, before exiting the locker room.

"Ladies, you're late!" The Coach yelled when we slowly walked into the sports hall.

"Sorry, sir. My fault" I said in a quiet voice, just louder enough for him to hear.

"Ah- I see. New girl. What's your name?" he asked.

"Maya" I answered. I took a moment to look around me and every single kid was staring at me. There was a group of boys in particular that were whispering.

"Maya. Welcome to gym class. Don't be late again. And Abby, I expect more from you" he scolded. I looked to the side to see Abby nod her head in agreement.

"Everyone up on their feet. It's Dodgeball time!" he then shouted. There was a wave of cheers across the room from all the boys, and a groan from a couple of the girls.

As soon as the game started I got hit hard in the back of my head.

"Not cool!" I head a voice shout. "You don't hit the fit girl"

My heart then sank. I turned around to see that the voice was from one of the boys who I saw whisper about me earlier, and he was talking to... Shawn.

We made quick eye contact before I broke it and sat on the bench beside me. I stayed there until the class was over.

The next class was Math, where I sit next to, you guessed it, Shawn.

For the first 20 minutes there was remote silence from him. Me and Abby exchanged a few words but he didn't say anything. That was until he cleared his throat and whispered something very quietly.

"I'm sorry for what Ben said earlier"

How was I even meant to respond to that? It wasn't Shawn's fault. I don't know why he was apologising. It wasn't even a big deal anyway, it was just this 'Ben' dude being a dick.

I didn't respond after a couple of seconds so he carried on talking.

"He's just an ass and he doesn't care what he says about other people and-"

"Shawn, stop. It's seriously fine. I don't care" I shrugged.

"Oh, good. And I'm sorry for hitting you in the head I was actually aiming for Abby" he laughed.

"I heard that!" Abby gasped, causing me and Shawn to laugh even harder.

"Oi, you three at the back. Stop talking" The teacher shouted.

Our laughs ended there but I could still hear snickering from Shawn. After a few seconds he asked me one last question.

"So, we're good right?"

His words shocked me. "Of course" I responded.

Then I felt Abby lean in really close. "Remember what I said" she warned.

Her words 'Don't fall for Shawn Mendes' repeated in my head, and I quickly shook them away. That was not going to happen.

I went home that day the happiest I'd been in a long time, knowing I now had two good friends.

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