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The sound of my alarm clock was deafening, so I pounded it hard until it shut off.

About ten minutes later my eyes had adjusted to the light and I rolled over, to see that the alarm clock read 7:30am.

"Oh god" I whisper shouted under my breath, before throwing myself out of bed and over to my wardrobe.

I wasn't too late for school, but I wanted to make an effort with my appearance today. I don't know why, but since that moment I had with Shawn last night, I've felt the need to look good in front of him.

I had butterflies in my stomach for the whole morning before I left the house. He just makes me nervous.

I threw on black skinny jeans and a cute crop top, then straightened my hair and did my makeup. Then I got a text from Shawn.

you want a ride to school?

sure, thanks

meet outside in 5

Shawn would be ready soon so I grabbed my backpack and said goodbye to my mom, before leaving.

I walked outside and glanced across the road to see him sat in his car, subtly singing to the music. He noticed me walking closer so he smiled and lifted his hand up to wave.

"Good morning" I beamed as I got into the passenger seat.

"Good morning, someone's happy" he winked.

"There's no reason not to be" I shrugged.

He began to drive to school and there was a comfortable silence between us. Shawn seemed to just be listening to the music, but I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I assumed he'd say something about it, unless he regretted it.

"What class is first?" I asked him as we began to walk into the building together.

"Math" he answered.

I did a silent cheer in my head, because I was so happy to spend the next hour sat next to him. But on the outside, I just nodded.

"Hey Abby" I waved as I entered the room. She smiled in return and waited until we sat down to answer.

"Hey, how are you guys today?" she politely asked.

"Good" me and Shawn replied in sync. "How about you?" I returned.

"Not too bad. But not great, I mean i'm in math class" she joked.

"Yeah, agreed" Shawn laughed.

The teacher then spoke for a what felt like years, until we were aloud to continue with our own tasks.

We began to work in silence, until Shawn whispered something in my ear.

"You look really pretty" he said softly, sending tingles through my body.

I tilted my head down to look at the desk, so he wouldn't see my face turn red.

"What's wrong? You don't like me flirting with you?" he laughed.

"Oh, is that what you were doing?" I joked.

"I see how it is. You think you're more of a flirt then me" he gasped.

"I didn't say that"

I finally looked up to meet his eyes, and he was smirking like mad. Now he had stopped whispering to me, and decided to talk through actions.

He reached under the desk and placed one finger on my shin, before slowly dragging it up my leg. When he reached my upper thigh, I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, to stop him.

"Shawn, we're in math class" I laughed.

"Oh Maya, you're just scared to admit you loved that" he replied, still whispering softly in my ear.

The bell then rang, interrupting our moment. I was about to defend myself, but Abby pushed her chair out with force and stormed out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked.

"I don't know. Uh- I'll see you later" I nervously answered, knowing I'd done something to upset her. I quickly took my hand out of Shawn's and raced after her.

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