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"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

We were currently at Shawn's, lying on the bed and watching Netflix. My head was on his shoulder and his arm was round my waist, and it was the most amazing feeling in the world.

"You're going to speak to your mom, and find out the details about everything. And in the meantime, we're gonna have fun while we still can"

The words 'while we still can' were heartbreaking.

"Okay" I agreed.

"So let's get off our lazy bums and and do something!" he announced, pushing himself off of me and standing up from the bed.

The words he used made me laugh, because he was afraid to swear, so I just remained sitting there smiling at him.

"You coming?" he chuckled, sticking his hand out for me to grab.

I nodded, and then took his hand in mine, and he pulled me up to my feet. "So what're we doing?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he gasped, acting offended for me asking.

"Okay" I reluctantly agreed, before following him to his car.

We drove for around 10 minutes, and then ended up in the middle of nowhere. All there was was a frozen lake.

Then the idea clicked in my head.

"Wait" I began. "We're not... skating are we?"

He let out a little laugh. "Of course we are!"

"Shawn I've never skated in my life!" I complained. "I'll probably fall, hit my head, and die"

"That's not going to happen" he assured me.

"Oh, so you're a pro skater are you?" I mocked sarcastically.

"Well actually, I was on an ice hockey team for a few years. So, i'd say yes" he told me, taking me by surprise.

"Jesus. You kept that quiet" I laughed.

After my nervous complaining finished, we got out of the car and walked to the lake.

"This is safe right?" I panicked.

"You really think I'd take you somewhere dangerous?" he asked.

"Well... yes, because here we are" I stated.

"Maya" he said seriously. "I swear there's nothing wrong with this place. I come here all the time"

"Okay" I nodded.

"So I've got my ice skates, and you can use Aaliyah's" he told me, whilst passing me the boots. I examined the sharp thin blade on the bottom, and it made me even more terrified.

"Now, let's get on the ice!" he cheered.

I managed to get the boots on, with only a little help from Shawn, and then we stepped onto the ice.

It was so much harder than I thought.

"How do people stand on this?!" I screamed, whilst slipping on the ice. Shawn quickly caught me before I fell, and held my hand.

He then moved his hands onto either side of my waist, and his warmth made my body go numb.

"Follow my lead" he told me, before beginning to move.

I then followed his foot movements, and soon enough, we were skating.

"See, you can do it" he assured me, squeezing my waist tight for comfort.

"You're doing all the work" I admitted, causing us both to laugh. "But maybe we can skate like this now" I added, before moving out of his grip and just holding his hand.

He looked at me with a wide smile, and I did one in return. We then began to skate again, but I was so distracted by how damn hot he is and how lucky I am, that I immediately slipped and fell to the ground.

"Woah, Maya are you alright?" he asked, crouching down to the floor to check.

"I-I.... am such a douchebag" I laughed. When he realised I was completely fine, he began to laugh too.

"But you're my douchebag" he said softly, causing me to stop in my tracks.

But as cheesy as it sounded, in the moment it was the sweetest thing ever. And I know that we were 'taking things slow', but I couldn't stop myself from what happened next.

We were staring into each other's eyes, both blushing, and then he began to lean in. I did too, and we had our first ever proper kiss. It was magical, and the best moment of my life so far.

"Maya..." he began once we'd pulled apart.

"Shh" I stopped him. "Don't say anything"

I knew he was going to ask what the kiss meant, but I didn't want anymore deep conversations. I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

I sat up and took him into the tightest hug ever, and after a few seconds we fell backwards onto the ice, hard. But the laughter that came afterwards, made this moment a whole lot better.

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