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"You'll make friends"

My mom was currently trying to convince me I would fit in at my new school. If I had a dollar every time she had said this to me in the past I swear I would be rich.

"Thanks mom" I half-smiled, plastering on the fake confidence before I entered the building.

I stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind me, and took a deep breath. 'Stay calm' I repeated in my head.

I looked down at my outfit and checked everything was normal. I tucked my oversized t-shirt into my high waisted jeans, and tightened the laces on my vans. I was just procrastinating. Then, I swung my black backpack onto my back and let my long brown hair fall on top of it.

Stay calm.

I continued to stand on the sidewalk facing the big building, trying to gain the confidence to walk in. Lots of other teenagers were passing me and looking at me up and down, wondering why I was just stood there.

My mom drove off and gave me a slight wave, before disappearing out of sight. All I wanted to do was run away.

I finally managed to gain the confidence to walk inside the building when I realised that the time was getting late. I couldn't be late on my first day.

The automatic doors opened and I was faced with hundreds of teenagers. This place was so much bigger than my old school, and so much more nerve wracking. My social anxiety bubbled inside of me as I walked up to the front desk.

"Uh- excuse me" I muttered, with a voice just louder than a whisper.

"Yes dear?" the lady smiled. Thank god she was nice.

"I'm new today, my name is Maya Adams"

"Maya! Just the person I was waiting for" she beamed. Damn, I really hope everyone is as welcoming as her.

"So, I've got your schedule here" she began as she passed me a sheet of paper, "and here is a key to your locker- number 104"

"Thank you" I smiled politely. She nodded her head before standing up from her chair and gesturing for me to follow her.

"Maya, meet Abby" she introduced, pointing to a blonde girl standing by the front entrance. "Abby is going to be touring you round today and showing you where all of your classes are"

"It's nice to meet you, welcome to Pine Ridge" she genuinely smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too, and thank you" I said in return.

"You two better be heading off to first period, you don't want to be late on your first day!" the receptionist advised. Abby nodded her head and began walking in the other direction, so I followed by her side.

"First period is math, correct?" she asked. I checked my schedule before nodding in agreement.

"Cool. This class is taught by Mr. Parker, he's nice. So you don't have to worry about anything" she assured me.

"Cool" I quote her words.

She pushed open a door to reveal a class of around thirty, and all of their eyes went directly on me. I was the new kid, so that was obviously going to happen. They were just curious. But it still made me nervous.

Abby made her way over to the teachers desk so I followed closely behind.

"Mr. Parker, this is Maya. She is new here today" she introduced me.

"Maya Adams!" he beamed. "Welcome to math"

"Thank you sir" I said quietly, loud enough for him to acknowledge.

"Class is about to begin, so please take a seat next to Miss Abby" he told me. I half-smiled before following Abby to her seat, and sitting in the empty chair beside her.

On the other side of me was a boy, with dark brown hair and matching eyes. I didn't get a good glance at him before I took my seat but let me just say he was attractive.

"Hi, I'm Shawn" he said quietly, when Mr.Parker began teaching. His words shocked me, as I didn't think he'd want to talk to me, or even notice me at all. He was very different, and much kinder, than any boy at my old school.

"...I'm Maya" I whispered back.

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