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"And in the second chorus we could-"

A loud bell interrupted.

"I guess we're out of time for today" I shrugged.

"Wait, we could go to Tim's for a bit if you want?" he suggested.

"Yeah sounds good" I agreed.

When we arrived at Tim's I bought the drinks, since Shawn payed last time, and then we sat in a booth by the window.

"I haven't heard you sing yet" he randomly said.

"That's something you're just gonna have to wait for" I winked.

"I've really enjoyed working on this project" he confessed. "With you"

"Me too. You are a lot more talented than I thought" I responded, only afterwards realising what I'd said.

"Thanks, I guess" he laughed.

"No I didn't mean it like that. I meant that you never mentioned your love of music before so I didn't know you could play, or sing" I explained.

"Yeah. We never really talk about ourselves I guess" he shrugged. "Let's do that then. Tell me about you"

"About me?" I nervously asked. "There's nothing really to know"

"Come on! Childhood, hobbies, interests, that sort of thing" he insisted.

I didn't have a childhood. I had to grow up quickly to deal with the abuse from my father. But I couldn't tell Shawn that.

"Umm... Well I love music. I always have. I had singing lessons for around 5 years when I was younger. That's basically it" I lied.

"What about your family?" he asked.

I froze. "Uh- I live with my Mom, my brother, my Aunt and my Uncle"

He nodded in response but I could tell he wanted to ask me another question. But I didn't want to lie anymore.

"Your turn" I told him.

"Okay. Well I never had any music lessons but yeah I guess music was the only thing for me too. And I live with my little sister, my mom and my-"

"What's going on here?" A voice asked in disgust. I quickly turned my head to see an angry Ben.

"Ben what do you mean-"

"Is this a date?" he spat.

"No! Shawn and I were just hanging out" I persisted.

"Maya if you're just gonna lead me on and then go out with other boys behind my back then I don't want to be a part of your life anymore" he argued.

"Ben, stop" Shawn warned him.

"Shut up Mendes" he snapped.

"There's nothing going on between Shawn and I. But Ben we're not even dating so I don't know why you're so defensive" I argued.

"Maya, come with me now or we're done" he threatened.

I was so shocked and disgusted by Ben's behaviour. I just sat there, frozen.

Shawn slowly stood up from his seat, and walked over to Ben.

"Ben, I'm warning you. Leave her alone, or I'll tell her" he said quietly, not wanting me to hear.

But I did.

"Tell me about what?"

They both looked at me worriedly, before Ben let out a sarcastic sigh.

"Oh Mendes. You're too much of a pussy to do that" he laughed.

"What is going on?" I asked again, needing answers.

"Leave. Or I'll tell her what really happened at your party" Shawn continued.

My stomach immediately began to knot. I felt sick. I needed to know the truth.

"Have it your way Mendes. And Maya..." Ben spat, turning to look at me. "Whatever me and you had, it's over"

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