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It was the first Monday morning in my entire life that I've ever been excited to go to school. I know it sounds weird, but I just couldn't wait to spend the day with my best friends.

"Morning" Shawn smiled as I got into his car. He texted me last night asking if I wanted a ride, so of course I agreed.

"Good morning" I said in return.

"You seem very happy" he laughed.

"Maybe I am" I smirked.

The first class of the day was Math, which is always fun as I sit in between Abby and Shawn. After that, I had lessons without them, so I didn't see them until lunchtime.

"Maya!" Abby shouted across the cafeteria, waving to get my attention. She was already sat at our usual table with Shawn, so I joined them.

"Hey guys" I waved back.

"Oh god, I've got a student council meeting so I've got to go, but I'll see you later" Abby told us, rushing off and out of sight.

"Weird" I commented under my breath.

"Yeah" Shawn agreed. "Oh, Maya?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"My mom is making me ask you if you and your family want to come to mine for dinner tonight?" he asked, in a grumpy tone.

"It doesn't really sound like you want me to say yes" I joked.

"No, it's not like that" he apologised. "I just know that it'll be an evening of my parents embarrassing me in front of yours"

"Awh, is Shawn shy?" I laughed, pinching his cheeks as a joke.

"Very funny" he snapped sarcastically, taking my hand away from his cheek. But, when he took my hand away he kept ahold of it, and took it into his, which sent butterflies through my stomach.

"So, what do you say?" he asked, looking down at our hands in nervousness.

"I say yes. I'll go straight home after last period and ask my family but I'm sure they'll say yes too" I agreed.

"Okay cool. I've got to go to class now but I'll see you tonight" he told me, standing up from his seat and letting go of my hand.

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