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"Will you remember me when you're famous?" I asked.

We had just finished our meal and were discussing our hopes and dreams whilst we ate dessert. Shawn had just told me that he wanted to become a professional singer.

He let out a slight laugh before answering. "I don't think I'll ever be famous, Maya. But even if I was, I would never forget about you. It would be impossible"

"Well, I'm honoured" I smirked.

He reached over the table and took both of his hands in mine, and stared into my eyes with a smile. "What is your dream, Maya?"


I didn't have an answer. I don't have any dreams. All I wanted was to stay here, with him, forever.

"Happiness" I decided. His smile grew wider when I said it, and he squeezed my hands tight.

"Well" he began. "I'll try my hardest to help you with that"

The most amazing evening ever ended there, and we left the restaurant. We drove back home in a comfortable silence, and he rested his free hand on my thigh.

"Who's car is that?" Shawn asked when we parked in his driveway. He was pointing to a car outside my house, and when I saw it my heart dropped.

"My Dad's" I whispered, barely able to make out the words.

"Do you want me to come inside with you?" he asked, sensing my fear.

I slowly nodded in response, still staring out of the window. If my Dad was here, this meant that he'd come to take us home.

"But, before we go in" I stopped him. "I just want to say thank you for the best evening I could ever have asked for"

"It's no problem" he replied. "You deserve the world"

I turned my head to face him and he was staring intently at me. I then quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek, and stepped out of the car.

We walked into the house hand in hand, and was greeted at the door by both of my parents.

"Maya! I missed you so much" My Dad gasped when he saw me, whilst taking me into a tight hug. I didn't hug back, I was just uncomfortable.

"And you must be Shawn" he added, whilst sticking his hand out for him to shake.

"It's nice to meet you sir" Shawn replied, shaking his hand.

"So, what's going on?" I interrupted, getting straight to the point. I was too nervous to wait.

"Well, your father is here to help us move" my Mom explained.

"Move?" I asked. I refused to admit that we were moving, but hearing her say it this one last time made it sound so much worse.

"We're leaving tomorrow" Dad added. "Isn't that exciting?"

"Exciting?" I spat, shaking my head.

In that moment I decided I'd had enough for one night, so I turned around and began to walk upstairs to my room.

"Maya?" Shawn stopped me, grabbing my hand. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No, you go home. I'll come over in the morning... to say goodbye"

The look on his face was heart breaking, and all I wanted to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay. But I knew it wouldn't.

"Okay" he nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow"

I watched him leave the house, and then I headed upstairs. And that night I didn't sleep for a second, I just couldn't stop thinking about Shawn.

At 3am, I decided to send him a text.

shawn. I know it's the middle of the night but I can't stop thinking about you. I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you've done for me for the past couple of months. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I can't believe I'm going to be saying goodbye to you tomorrow. I've had the most amazing time with you, you're the kindest, and most beautiful person inside and out. I am going to miss you more than you can imagine. I love you.

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