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"Everyone, please be normal" I begged my family as we waited outside the Mendes' home.

They all nodded in response, and then there was a noise from the front door. It opened to reveal Shawn's mom.

"You must be the Adams'! It's so nice to meet you all! I'm Karen" she beamed, opening the door wide for us to enter.

My mom walked in first and introduced herself, and they hugged. Then my Aunt and Uncle, then my brother, and then me.

"It's nice to see you again, Maya" she smiled, giving me a hug.

"And you, Mrs Mendes" I replied, walking in.

She closed the door behind me whilst shaking her head. "Please, call me Karen" she insisted.

I nodded in agreement and then we walked into the dining room, where everyone was stood around talking.

"Maya! There you are, I'm Manny" His Dad yelled whilst he walked towards me.

"Nice to meet you" I managed to say before he hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Dad, stop" Shawn laughed. His Dad then released me from his grip and apologised, before walking back to the adults.

I looked across the room and saw Shawn sat at the dinner table next to his sister.

"Maya, come sit" Shawn gestured, pointing the chair across from him.

I walked over and took a seat, and then there was a gasp from Aaliyah.

"So you must be Maya" she smirked.

"That's me" I answered.

"I've heard a lot about you" she laughed, elbowing Shawn whilst raising her eyebrows.

"Like what?" I asked, eager to hear. I sat up in my seat and rested my elbows on the table, waiting for her answer.


"Aaliyah" Shawn interrupted, giving her a warning stare.

"Shawn, let the girl speak" I joked. I really wanted to know what Shawn had told his family about me.

Shawn then shook his head at me whilst smirking, which let me just say was so hot. Then he turned to his sister and gave her a look, to warn her not to say anything.

I then looked over to Aaliyah and she raised her hand up to her mouth to cover her words from Shawn, and mouthed 'he really likes you'.

In that moment it felt like my heart melted.

"Dinner's ready!" Shawn's Dad yelled from the kitchen.

Everybody then walked over to the dinner table and sat with us. My family was on one side of the table, and the Mendes' on the other.

"So, Maya, are you enjoying life in Canada so far?" His mom asked me when we began to eat dinner. I looked up from my plate and over to Shawn, and it was so obvious he was trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, I am" I agreed.

"She's especially enjoying the school" my mom chimed in.

"Is that so? That's the same with Shawn! He's been so eager to go to school in the mornings since Maya joined" his dad added.

The rest of the evening consisted of both of our parents embarrassing us in front of each other.

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